A photo: Sergey Dzhevahashvili. Normally you get positive images in the cinema. But in the recently released film "The Secret of the Snow Queen" you play the main role of the heroine, if not negative, then not the most kind? How did you prepare for the shooting?
From Andersen's tale I, of course, hadthe idea of his heroine. I saw several productions, adaptations. But in the film of Natalia Bondarchuk a somewhat different story is presented. The Snow Queen is not a negative character, not a cold, unfeeling creature. She is bewitched, and this explains her behavior. And it periodically wakes up strange feelings for Kai. Why? You will find out by looking at the picture. Are you a sentimental person? What can you touch?
I, like any person in a creative profession,is quite sentimental. And above all, I am touched by children and their fates. I cannot remain indifferent when I see violence against a child. And when I think about how children live in low-income families, what homeless children have to go through... I so want to make their lives better, more colorful. After all, they are fragile creatures with sensitive souls. And everything that we instill in them now, we will receive in the future. Are you ever dissatisfied with yourself professionally? Who is your main critic?
I am always unhappy with myself. You look at the picture on the screen and you think: "Here I would play differently now". When the artist is completely satisfied with himself, he has nothing to strive for. Of course, I have both more successful roles, and less. And often the result does not always depend only on the actor. Cinema is a collective creativity, and with excellent material sometimes the output is not what you expected. And the main critic for me is my family: my mother, my beloved husband. These are the people who can always tell me the truth, and I will not be offended by it. And I try to do everything so that Veronica (the three-year-old daughter of the actress and TV presenter Viktor Vasiliev, "Antennas" note), when she grows up and looks at my works, was not ashamed of her mother. I do not like to read reviews on the Internet, people write not always from the heart, but give in to the mood. You from the family of aircraft builders, but did not follow in the footsteps of your parents, became an actress. What influenced your choice of profession?
This is a dream that has been brewing since early childhood.And, as my parents told me later, I showed signs of becoming an actress when I was about seven. I didn’t even do sports professionally (at the age of 4, Anya’s parents enrolled her in the artistic gymnastics section, she has the first adult category in this sport, then there was artistic aerobics. – Antenna’s note) just for the sake of general development. I thought: I’ll become an actress, I’ll be able to do stunts myself. In my youth, I really loved watching films like “The Notebook,” “Roman Holiday,” and “Gone with the Wind.” Maybe this predetermined that I became a dramatic actress. Do you find time for sports now?
If possible, go in for sports. Previously, she preferred fitness loads, now she was keen on yoga.