About how much the star couple spent ontwins Rumi and Sir before they were born, there were legends. The figures were called astronomical: about 8 million dollars. This is a crib, decorated with gold and jewelry, and bed linens from Chanel. In general, to save on the long-awaited children Beyonce and DJ-ZI were not going to. One of the days became known details about the new spending of parents. This time not on things, but on the staff: for Rumi and Sir hired a nanny. Six. Three for each, to surely surround the kids with unprecedented care. So what? It's no wonder that Beyoncé is called the queen. She must have everything with a monarchic scope.A photo: @beyonce "Twins sleep at different times, so Beyonce decided that everyone should be supervised by three babysitters. They will work in shifts for eight hours each, "the source told Daily Mail. It turns out that the children will be watched closely 24 hours a day. Each of the nannies was paid a salary of 100 thousand dollars a year. In a month - 8300. If to translate into rubles, it will turn out almost half a million a month. Admit it, you are now thinking about choosing the wrong profession ... There are eight nannies now in the house of Beyonce and J-ZI. Two more are engaged in Blue Ivy, the eldest daughter of the couple. While they all "huddle" in a rented villa in Malibu. For housing rent Carter now pay 40 thousand dollars a month. But soon the family, along with all the nannies, will move to Los Angeles: fastidious parents have finally found a mansion worthy of purchase. According to insiders, it cost a couple of $ 130 million, the area of the house is almost 2800 square meters. It has 8 bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, 4 swimming pools, a basketball court, a recording studio, a spa and a tennis court. In the neighborhood, by the way, the Kardashian-West family dwells. In addition, insiders disclosed one more detail about the appearance of twins in the world: it turned out that Beyoncé was doing cesarean. So they stayed so long in the hospital - they spent about two weeks there instead of the usual 3-5 days.