Mama Elina Anna Yakovleva in love with poetry and withShe read a lot of herself to the girl by heart. We started with children's poems. Marshak, Borto, Mikhalkov, then gradually switched to Pushkin, Esenin, Tyutchev, Fet, Lermontov. And my daughter remembered. Mom decided to show her how to read poems by famous actors. Tsvetaeva, Pasternak, Evtushenko, Dementieva. And she liked it. "On the set, she liked the show very much," Anna said. "Maxim Galkin behaves very tactfully with the children. If he sees that the child is worried or jammed, he starts joking, compliments, tries to talk. Elia was worried during the filming. Therefore, not immediately could answer the questions of Galkin. Then my daughter explained to me that she was thinking about the answer. At rehearsals, Elma prepared about 7 poems, but during the filming she managed to read two: Goethe's ballad "The Forest Tsar" in Zhukovsky's translation and Shakespeare's monologue of Hamlet, as well as prose-the story of Dragoon's "Enchanted Letter." The meaning of all the verses that she read and can explain. We always understand the meaning of all the works with it. I consider it important to understand what you are telling about. In addition to poetry, the girl has many other hobbies. Alya spends a lot of time reading, loves music, goes to chess school, studies acrobatics and vocals, draws and ... learns the language of deaf-mutes by video lessons. Dreams of becoming a writer. Lately Elina has become a real TV star: the girl is often invited to perform in various TV programs: "Let them talk", "Tonight" on Channel One, "Our Man" on "Russia" channel, show "Ukraine is looking for talents "on the STB and others. Mom is sometimes even reproached for driving a little daughter to shoot so often. "I never force my daughter to go somewhere against her will," Anna says. - She likes the process of filming, she likes to read from the stage. And on trips I create the most comfortable conditions for her. Rather, I get tired very much: I do not get enough sleep, and the child even sleeps on the train. In the program "Best of all" we were invited twice. The first time was in November, but I refused, because Elia was preparing for a concert in a music school, and the weather was very bad. A significant minus of the trips to the show is that Elya misses classes at the chess and music school. But we take chess with us on the road. In general, our family loves to travel, change the situation. In June, we are going to the Kaliningrad region for the whole summer. There we are usually invited to speak at events dedicated to Kaliningrad and Baltiysk Day.

