The increase in the number of divorces is sweeping across the country, andalong with it - the decline in the birth rate and the devaluation of the institution of the family as such. Sociologists, psychologists and politicians reflect on how to be, what to do. In the meantime ... While a new generation is growing up, which has every chance to support the "child free" trend. Why? Let's explain. The other day a resident of Krasnoyarsk, Andrei Zberovsky, posted a poem on the Internet: “All mothers live so boringly: they wash, iron, boil. And they are not invited to the Christmas tree, they are not given gifts. When I grow up big, I will be a mom too. But only a single mother, not a husband's lady. I will buy a new coat to match the color of the crimson hat. And I will never marry my dad for anything! ”Funny? Funny. But not the owner of the page. It turns out that this rhyme was given to his five-year-old daughter Agatha, so that she would learn it for Mother's Day! ”“ Honestly, I read it and was shocked. At a time when the country is talking about the crisis of the family, at the level of kindergartens children are given poems, just aimed at forming a negative attitude towards the family. Tomorrow I will find out in the garden who chose such an anti-family rhyme, - the dad was indignant. Andrey Zberovsky is a practicing family psychologist and knows what he is talking about. He found the teacher who had chosen a "hymn to female loneliness" for the child. But she did not share his indignation: in her opinion, the poem is just humor. And if the parents don't like something, then Agatha will be removed from participation in the holiday. The verse will still sound - just in someone else's performance. - Agatha was very upset that she would not be able to read the poems to her mother. I offered to find another verse for the child myself, but Lyudmila Vasilievna turned out to be adamant. I do not like the verse, you will be without a verse at all. After that, I was forced to turn to the head of the kindergarten, Tatyana Borisovna, for an explanation of this situation, - says Andrey. The manager turned out to be not so categorical and promised to sort out the situation. Meanwhile, the media got involved. There was no choice left: both the head and the teacher preferred to apologize and replace the verse with a more appropriate one - for the occasion and age. - I am sure that the administration of kindergartens and educators should form the correct attitudes towards the value of the family in the kids, and not portray it as horror, instead of which it is better not to marry dads. For those who also believe that this rhyme is positive, I inform you that in the process of learning the daughter asked her mother: is it really better not to marry dads ?! - sums up Andrey Zberovsky. By the way, the author of the poem is the famous bard Vadim Egorov. In his creative baggage there are many wonderful songs: “I love you, my rains”, “Son's monologue”. Sometimes Vadim Vladimirovich wrote satirical poems. But he has no children's songs and poems. So he hardly imagined that his frank satirical rhyme would be in the script for a children's matinee.

