Why a child in two years does not speak

If a child does not speak at two years old, this can be explained by several reasons.if the child does not speak at the age of twoIf a child does not say anything at two years old,see a neurologist. Photo: Getty Perhaps he has no need to speak. This happens when the baby is rarely spoken to. At the same time, he spends his time in front of the TV. Parents who anticipate the child's desires based on his gestures and sounds also provoke the creation of such a situation. Delays in speech development are caused by changes in the baby's life. These can be: a sudden change of residence, illness, first visits to kindergarten. If one of the parents started talking late in childhood, then the child will also be silent for some time. Girls begin to speak 5-6 months earlier than boys. The baby begins to speak later if he grows up in a bilingual family. When he tries to master two languages ​​at once, then a delay in speech development is observed. Therefore, in some cases, the child's silence is quite justified and does not cause concern. In other cases, the problem may be more serious:

  • Short bridle tongue. In this case, the child utters sounds, but does not add them to words.
  • Hearing problems. With his defeat, the child will not understand the speech.
  • Psychological trauma. If the child suffered a strong fright, the development of speech slows down.
  • Deviations in the development. In some cases, the doctor determines abnormalities that prevent the child from speaking.

In these cases, a neurologist or speech therapist will help you.

What if the child does not speak at the age of two?

To put your mind at ease, consult a doctor.If a neurologist or speech therapist detects developmental deviations, they will tell you how to start working with this problem. The sooner you do this, the faster the positive result will be. If the child understands what is said to him and pronounces most of the sounds, then there is no reason to worry. Surround the child with attention, if he lacked it before. Do and play with the child. Read books to the baby, look at pictures with him and say what you see. Ask the baby to repeat. When you do something, comment on your actions. Tell the child the correct answer to your question. However, do not turn the dialogue with the baby into a monologue. Master finger games. The fact is that the development of fine motor skills accelerates the development of the speech apparatus and memory. Organize a lesson in a playful way every day. Encourage the baby for trying to speak. Very soon the child will please you. Read on:

