How to teach a child to sleep alone

The period of accustoming a child to independent livingNight sleep is a personal matter for parents. There are no rules. Moreover, all children are different in temperament, developmental characteristics and birth. Therefore, we can only talk about the upper limit of the norm. Psychologists say that three years is the line that cannot be to teach a child to sleep aloneTo teach a child to sleep alone, you need tocreate comfortable conditions for himPhoto: Getty There is nothing wrong with a breastfed baby sleeping with his mother. This gives the nursing mother the opportunity to rest well and get enough sleep, and the child provides a sense of security and confidence that he is loved. But as soon as the duration of the newborn's night sleep increases, the woman should think about moving the baby to his own crib. Exceptions are babies with special needs:

  • having pathologies in mental or physical development;
  • emerged as a result of caesarean section;
  • born prematurely;
  • suffering from intracranial pressure;
  • having signs of dermatitis.

Such children need to sleep with their mother.more than peers. In addition, you cannot start teaching your child to sleep alone during the period when the child is sick or teething. In general, infants tolerate the process of weaning from their parents' bed easier than older children. How to teach a child to sleep alone? All that a mother of an infant needs to do is bathe, feed well, and change the baby. Perhaps, you will have to put up with whims for 2-3 days, but a healthy, dry, well-fed baby will soon calm down and learn to fall asleep on his own.

How to accustom to the cot a year-old child

After a year, the question of moving the baby toown bed becomes relevant. Psychologists say that children over three years old who sleep with their parents will experience difficulties in their intimate life in the future. How to teach a one-year-old child to sleep in a crib? Here are some tips to help parents:

  • always go out for an evening walk;
  • ventilate the room before going to bed;
  • to bathe a baby, without overexcitement;
  • make the crib attractive to the child, for example, to lay interesting thematic clothes, put your favorite toy;
  • include a dim light with interesting effects;
  • gently and calmly talking with the baby, wishing him good night.

The process of getting used to your own bed shouldbe systematic. If you have seriously decided to separate the child, it is important not to follow the lead of the little manipulator, act calmly and decisively, do not break into shouting and do not make exceptions. It is not difficult to accustom the baby to his own crib. The main thing is to choose the right moment and get serious. After 2-3 days, the process of putting to bed will not cause annoyance to either you or the child. See also:

