How to mother raise a son: three stages

Boys are amazing creatures. They are affectionate and at the same time hairy, stubborn, naughty, active. Sometimes it seems that they literally sparkle from the overflowing energy, and at the same time it is impossible to make them do something useful.How to raise a sonMoms sometimes have a hard time understanding how to educatesonPhoto: Getty Raising a son is a difficult process with its own characteristics. Boys grow up as if jumps, sometimes changing dramatically even within one year. Psychologists and educators identify three stages of their development and, accordingly, three different strategies of education. Stage 1 - up to 6 years. This is the time of greatest intimacy with the mother. Moreover, it is noted that boys are even more affectionate and attached to their mother than girls. And if during this period, the baby does not have enough communication with men, then later there can be difficulties: disobedience, ignoring the father’s demands, non-recognition of his authority. Husbands, as a rule, blame their wives, who brought up the “mama's boy”, and blame yourself for putting all the worries about your son on your mother’s shoulders. Stage 2 - 6-14 years. This is the period of the boy’s entry into the male world. At this time, the main features of a male character and male type of behavior are formed. For this age is characterized by the desire to dominate. This normal men's need gives mom a lot of unpleasant moments. After all, her son from a kind, obedient and affectionate baby turned into a stubborn bully, and often rude. And it is precisely at this time that the father or another authoritative man must demonstrate the correct male behavior, including respect and affection for the mother woman. Stage 3 14-18 years. Period of active physiological restructuring of the body, the awakening of sexuality and aggression in many respects associated with it. But at this time a worldview is also taking shape, an attitude to life, to people, a self-assessment is being formed. The role of the mother, her communication with her son, methods of education should change as the boy grows up. You can’t expect that a 12-year-old teenager will be hugging like a 3-year-old kid with the same eagerness. And the attempts of the mother to impose this type of behavior on him will only annoy.

How to raise a son

Relationship of mothers with sons growing upoften reminiscent of a protracted battle. And the more his mother insists, the more disobedient the son becomes. But, you see, it is difficult to be both independent and obedient, to be self-confident and to obey without question. What should be done to raise a real man?Mom to raise a sonMom to raise her son is not easy, especially after 14 years oldPhoto: Getty

  • Timely notice the age-related changes of the child and try to behave in accordance with his age, and better slightly ahead of him.
  • Do not lose emotional contact with the son. It is he who will keep the relationship of love and mutual concern for life. Emotional contact is manifested in the interest in the boy's problems, in his desire to support him, to help him cope, and not to blame him for being rokhla, stubborn and lazy.
  • Remember that a man is needed to raise a son. Ideally, this is the father, but fathers are different, and not all of them can serve as a standard of behavior. Moreover, women often raise a child without a husband. In this case, the uncle, friend, grandfather, coach in the sports section, etc. can be a role model.
  • It is necessary to instill in the child independence and responsibility for their decisions and actions - this is an essential feature of a male character.

A single recipe for raising boys, of course,not. But besides the general principles there is one very good advice. Grow your son so that he becomes “the man of your dreams,” so that he will possess those qualities that you consider important and significant in men.

