40 years ago, my cousin Natalia becamevictim of maternal care. She is still losing her consequences. Natasha’s mother was obsessed with purity. After the daughter was born, cleanliness turned into sterility. The floors were washed three times a day, the nipple was caught on the fly and rinsed with boiling water just in case, the toys regularly received a soap headwash, and the boiled diapers were smoothed from both sides with a hot iron. on parents karapuzov, hung with snot ,. Payment came later. In due time, little Natasha went to kindergarten. And over the next two years she did not crawl out of stomatitis, intestinal and gastric infections, and other “joys.” Natasha now has three children. Needless to say, they are all allowed to be a little dirty sometimes.child's immunityPhoto:GettyImages The myth of ideal cleanliness for a child's health is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Modern pediatrics claim that dirt is essential for building immunity. “The mega-sterile lifestyle weakens the immune system,” say the authors of the book “Dirt Is Good,” scientists John Gilbert and Rob Knight. - If a child rarely plays with animals, never digs in a puddle, does not tinker in the sand, then he is more susceptible to diseases such as eczema or asthma. This is because his immune system is unfamiliar with pollen and dust and does not know how to react to "enemies." It turned out that the latter had extremely low asthmatic and allergic indicators. No, of course, no one forces you to give your child raw water and unboiled milk. In everything you need to know when to stop. Scientists acknowledge that, say, heat treatment does allow us to avoid many deadly viruses. But at the same time, they argue: over the past century and a half, the desire to get rid of any hint of a microbe or bacterium in our body has acquired abnormal proportions. The desire to protect babies from aggressive infections undermines not only their immune systems, but also the endocrine and nervous systems. The fanatical desire for order at any cost also successfully destroys our own nerves. So relax and let your brushes, rags and iron rest. Read in the following article:

