When to give meat to babies

According to the recommendations of children's specialistsnutrition, meat complementary foods can be used by a child at 6-8 months. But it is best to introduce the baby to meat from 8-9 months of age, since this is a rather heavy product for the digestive tract of an infant.baby meatMeat for babies is better to enter the diet with 8-9months Photo: Getty Depends on the age of the introduction of meat from when the first lure was introduced, which should be vegetable, fruit purees and porridge. As a rule, babies on breastfeeding begin to be fed from the age of 6 months, and "artificers" receive lure from 4 months. The meat is introduced into the baby's diet 2 months after the introduction of vegetable and fruit purees, cereals. The interval for the introduction of meat food after vegetable and fruit dishes can be shortened if the baby suffers from anemia. But in such a situation it is still better to consult a doctor in advance who will assess the appropriateness of such nutrition for the baby. After all, early lure meat is contraindicated in infants, their digestive tract is not yet sufficiently developed to digest meat protein.

How to feed a baby with meat

When introducing meat-based foods, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • To feed them the baby is desirable in the daytime, before breastfeeding or a mixture.
  • You need to start with 1/2 tsp.
  • Next time, in the absence of an allergic reaction, you can increase the dose by 1 / 2hl.
  • The meat must be ground to a uniform state. If you cook meat sauce at home, it is better to use a blender or several times to scroll the meat in a meat grinder.
  • Give his child need in a warm form.
  • Meat product should be added to vegetable puree or porridge.
  • It is better to begin acquaintance with meat from a turkey or a rabbit. Meat of these animals is less likely to cause allergies.

Instead of homemade meat puree, it is betteruse products offered in stores for the first feeding. Puree prepared in industrial conditions is homogenized: the membranes of muscle cells are destroyed in it. Such a product is better digested in the digestive tract of the baby. In order for the child to receive all the necessary micro- and macroelements from meat, it is necessary to introduce him to this product correctly and at a certain age. Read also:

