The first decade: December 1-10

Those who are born in the first decade of December canbe people who are not too resolute and assertive, but very persistent and consistent. Therefore, they can become very productive in their careers and in life in general. Such people think more intuitively than logically, not quickly, but thoroughly. Can set themselves non-standard tasks. And they will achieve more than others, due to tact and diplomacy. But the list of positive qualities does not end there. Children born this December will also have an innate ability to inspire respect, influence collectives and society. And from here it is not far to popularity and importance in society. To this one can add also generosity and breadth of nature. Although it is worth noting that in communication such people can be laconic and restrained. In the upbringing of such children it is worth considering that quick decisions are not theirs, and they are not to be adjusted.Photo: Getty Images

The Second Decade: December 11-20

Children of the second decade of the month will differ fromchildren of the first decade only in particular. But due to these particulars, a completely different character is obtained. They will also have the generosity and breadth of nature, attract attention and receive respect. But they will have more dynamic and imaginative thinking, bright, rich speech. The children of this decade will be much more determined and active than the children of the previous one. At the same time, their actions and undertakings can be idealistic. To the breadth of nature added freedom of love, a tendency to go beyond the rules, spontaneity. In a word, they have the character of revolutionary seekers. But along with this, the sequence and effectiveness peculiar to children of the first decade are lost, ideas and plans outstrip the practical embodiment. Dreamed, and enough.

Third Decade: December 21-31

Children of this decade will be very different from those,who was born in the previous two. You can say that these are absolutely different people. And all because the sign of the Zodiac is replaced not only by the Sun, which happens 12 times a year, not only Venus, which happens almost as often, but also Saturn, which happens one time in more than two years. And all of them will move to Capricorn, which is a sign of Saturn's management - a planet of rules, orders, goals and results. And parents will deal with super- and hyper-Capricorns. And this is just a man-flint, hard and unshakable as a rock in his rules, orders, decisions and goals. Active and productive as a machine tool. Very good potential for a manager or a career military or for a professional master. Children of this decade are thorough and unhurried. Until all think about twenty times, the conclusion will not be made and will not be told. And it's good if they say it at all. For example, those who were born in the first half of the decade will be more inclined to leave their conclusions to themselves. And the parents of little Capricorns will only have to guess what their serious kids are thinking about. Read more about the description

