Why does the temperature rise?

Each vaccination has a goal - to formimmunity to a certain disease. The baby's condition after this procedure can be called a mild form of the disease. The immune system fights the pathogen, so it is completely natural that the child's temperature rises.temperature after vaccinationTemperature after DPT vaccination is normalphenomenonPhoto: Getty But in some people this process occurs without an increase in temperature due to individual characteristics of the body. The degree of purification of the vaccine and the quality of the antigens also play an important role in this.

How long does the temperature persist after DPT vaccination?

DPT is a combination vaccine, thereforethe load on the body is doubled. After this procedure, it is considered normal for the temperature to rise to 38.5 °C even for up to 5 days. You can not wait for the fever to appear and give the medicine immediately after vaccination. But if the temperature does not drop, despite taking an antipyretic, you need to see a doctor. Usually, a painful lump and redness appear at the vaccination site. But after 3-4 weeks, the lump should resolve. If the temperature exceeds 39 °C or does not drop for more than 5 days, you need to seek medical help. Vomiting, nausea and digestive disorders also indicate that the baby's condition is unsatisfactory.

What to do to prevent a child from getting high

The baby needs to be prepared for vaccination in advance, this will help smooth out the reaction:

  • In the next 2-3 weeks the baby should be completely healthy.
  • The menu should be ordinary, you do not need to enter any new products.
  • If a child suffers from an allergy, several days before the procedure, you need to give him antihistamines.

It is advisable to take tests and it is absolutely necessaryundergo a check-up with a pediatrician. The mother is still responsible for the baby's health, so if the check-up is careless, she has the right to demand that the doctor examine the baby properly. If there were complications after the previous vaccination, the vaccination should not be done. The following can be named as contraindications:

  • presence of oncology or HIV;
  • nerve diseases and convulsions;
  • severe allergic reactions;
  • recent return from a long trip.

In the latter case, the body does not have timeadapt to new conditions, so the immune system is weakened. It is important to remember that high temperature with a strong deterioration in health after vaccination requires medical attention.

