Breastfed baby and antibiotics: possible side effects

With the help of these medicineseliminate bacterial infections in infants. A doctor may prescribe such medications for respiratory diseases, pathologies of the digestive system, diseases of the ENT organs, dermatological problems and urological ailments. Giving a child antibiotics without a doctor's prescription is strictly prohibited!infant and antibioticsInfant and antibiotics: taking such medications causes negative consequences for the baby's health Photo: Getty Infant after antibiotics may suffer:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • digestive problems that manifest constipation and diarrhea;
  • frequent colds;
  • avitaminosis;
  • loss of appetite;
  • allergic rashes;
  • reduced immunity.

To reduce the number of side effectsWhen taking antibiotics, you should strictly follow your doctor's recommendations, take medications in the exact dosage indicated, and take measures to restore normal intestinal microflora during and after treatment.

Recovery from antibiotics in infants

Restore the baby's intestinal microflora,breastfed, you can simply feed your baby breast milk. It contains the bifidus factor, which helps populate the intestines with beneficial bacteria. If the baby has already been introduced to complementary foods before antibiotic treatment, then you should not rush to return to such food - it is better to breastfeed more often to restore normal bowel function. If the baby is bottle-fed, then the mother needs to:

  • feed it with easily digestible foods: cereals, with the exception of manna, stewed or boiled turkey, chicken, veal;
  • include in the diet more vegetables, fruits and dairy products;
  • give drugs with live bacteria and vitamins prescribed by a doctor;
  • give disinfecting natural remedies - garlic, propolis, decoction of Hypericum.

To restore intestinal microflorathe right approach usually takes 5-10 days. After this time, constipation and diarrhea stop, and food begins to be digested well. Antibiotics disrupt the normal microflora of the child's intestines. To recover after taking these drugs, it is important to properly organize the baby's nutrition. It is also useful to know:

