Thomas Romain - French. But he lives in Tokyo. She earns a living by manual labor: draws. But not cartoons on the street, not pictures for sale, but cartoons. Anime. He worked on "Cosmic Dandy", "Baskvosh!", "Aria" - connoisseurs will understand. Thomas honestly admits: the main source of his inspiration is children. His own children, not some abstract anime lovers, do not think. So, Tom’s sons, like any children, love to draw. In view of their youthfulness, their drawings are still angular, ridiculous. Not exactly scribbled, but close to that. But dad does not criticize them at all, no. On the contrary: he takes these clumsy sketches as a basis and turns them into stunning anime characters. It turns out, Thomas follows the precepts of psychologists who call: do not teach children to draw! Do not correct them, do not show how to. So, according to experts, you will discourage all desire to create in babies. And better entice them with your own example: start drawing and the children will catch up. It is not known, however, whether Tom chose such an exemplary behavior strategy intentionally or not. But the result is obvious: the drawings are very cool, and you can't pull out the boys from the father's workshop by your ears. The collection of the paternal-sons ’joint creations was impressive. Here and the inhabitants of the clouds, and the sand Golem, and the space robot, and the eerie cyborg, and the doctor from the Steampunk universe, and much more. See for yourself!

