"I was preparing for natural childbirth. But, unfortunately, I was diagnosed with a pronounced symphysitis, and the doctor said that they would "Caesar". I was not ready for this turn. It was important for me to give birth to myself! - Olga told us, who tried the operation on herself. "I've always been afraid of Caesar's." But soon found information about the "glamorous" caesarean, talked to the doctor. Honestly, I had to persuade the doctor. I was carefully instructed, I knew that if I got scared in the process, I could refuse. But when the doctors lowered the curtain and invited me to take my son, it was just cosmic! I still have the absolute feeling that I still gave birth to it myself! I helped him to get out, to be born, she put it on her breast. I got a unique experience ... No, not only me, but also my son! "" Glamorous "cesarean section - this kind of standard operation of artificial delivery appeared in Moscow maternity homes. So far, however, this option is only available in the maternity home number 25. Tatyana Butskaya, a doctor and medical blogger, told Woman's Day in detail about the features of the operation - she was lucky enough not only to talk with a doctor who conducts a "glamorous" cesarean, but also become a direct participant in the process.Photo: GettyImages
What it is?
This is a completely standard cesarean section operation.sections, but only with the active participation of the woman herself. Doctors make an incision, bring the baby's head, arms and shoulders out through it, and then the mother herself, with her own hands, helps the baby to be born. Do not confuse a "glamorous" cesarean with a natural one. In the second case, the woman does not take an active part in the birth - the doctors themselves slowly bring the baby out, simulating the passage through the birth canal and leaving the baby time to adapt. "Where this name came from is unclear," says Elizaveta Agarkova, an obstetrician-gynecologist at City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after N. I. Pirogov, Maternity Hospital Branch No. 25 of the Moscow Health Department. - But in America, "glamorous" cesarean has long been practiced. It seems to us that active or contact cesarean is better suited, but the "glamorous" one has taken root.
Can I make it at will?
Glamorous is sometimes called a Caesarean section, whichSome show business stars do it at their own discretion, but this is not our option. “A glamorous cesarean is not a separate option or service in a maternity hospital that you can buy,” says Elizaveta Agarkova. “Such a cesarean is only possible if there are indications for the operation. Since a cesarean is going to be performed anyway, some women insistently ask to be allowed to actively participate in the process. If there are no contraindications, we allow it. And, of course, it’s free!”
Does the woman see how the doctors make the incision?
Absolutely not!The operation begins in the standard way - they hang a special curtain that does not allow the woman to see the doctors' manipulations. And only when the incision has already been made, and the baby's head and shoulders are brought out, the curtain is lifted. Then the woman herself places the baby on her chest. The doctors wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsating, lower the curtain again and apply stitches as usual. That is, the mother meets the baby when they are both still one whole!
Is this procedure safe for a woman and a child?
Yes!The mother is carefully prepared and instructed, given spinal anesthesia, and is given long elbow-length gloves. The baby is not handled with bare hands, however. “We have never encountered any infectious or traumatic complications during a ‘glamorous’ cesarean section,” says Elizaveta Agarkova. So don’t worry, this type of intervention is absolutely safe for the health of both.
Can all women do it?
No.Active participation of a woman in the process of a cesarean section is impossible in the case of an emergency operation, since in this case it is necessary to save the fetus or the mother, or both. The child must be in the cephalic presentation at the time of the operation. And one more thing: the pregnancy must proceed without complications. That is, no green waters, hypoxia, etc. And once again we remind you: a "glamorous" cesarean is possible only in the case of a planned operation. In the case of an emergency intervention, there is no choice.