Who is entitled to free medicines by law

According to the law, the right to freedrugs have all parents who have kids who have not reached the age of 3 years. It does not matter whether your child is disabled or not. In addition, the status and financial security of the family does not affect the delivery of medicines.free medicines for children under 3 yearsFree medicines are given to children under 3 years of ageregardless of the status of the family. Photo: Getty But there is one exception - for such medicines parents of the disabled kid can not pretend to have chosen material payments instead of a social package. Otherwise, there are no restrictions either on the price or the quality of the drugs. Moreover, the prescription is not affected by the number of times the child is taken. And even if he needs medicines 2-3 times a month, the doctor can not refuse.

Free medicines lists

To find out about the full list of freemedicines available for your region, you need to contact the polyclinic registry or your pediatrician. After all, financing of medicine differs in different parts of our country. But in any case there is a federal list of medicines, consisting of the most necessary drugs.

What documents are needed

To get free medicines, you need to visit the hospital, because such recipes are not issued at home. At itself it is necessary to have the following:

  • the birth certificate of the baby;
  • SNILS the child;
  • MHI policy;
  • a certificate confirming the place of residence of the child.

The recipe is issued on a special form, and intwo copies. The first of them is pasted into the child's card, the second one is given in the hands for getting medicines in the municipal drugstore. Remember that a doctor does not have the right to demand from his parents a certificate of income, because free drugs are issued regardless of the financial situation of the family. If the doctor refuses to prescribe the prescription, then first of all, contact the head physician. If this does not help, then write an e-complaint to the official website of the Ministry of Health. Parents have the right to receive free medicines for children under 3 years. But it is worthwhile to understand that in each region there is a certain limit of drugs, and if it is exhausted, you will be refused a prescription.

