Why does the child roll?

Such attacks occur during a period of severeemotional overexcitation, if the baby has disorders of the nervous system or diseases of the respiratory system, heart, blood vessels. Such a state is called affective-respiratory paroxysm (ARP). The child stops breathing at the time of the attack for 30 to 60 seconds. Such children are prone to fainting.The child rolls upIf the child rolls up during crying, heyou need to help. Photo: Getty Seizures also appear after injuries and falls of the child from a height. Rolling occurs in children under the age of three, but can continue up to eight. The reasons are as follows:

  • Features of character. To the ARP are inclined hyperactive, easily excitable and capricious children.
  • Manners of education. If parents save their child from stress and frustration, allow the crumb to do whatever he wants, then the ban will provoke anger and attack.
  • Emotional overexcitation. Fright, anger, stress and even hunger provokes an attack.
  • The neurologist can establish the exact reasonafter examination of the baby. In severe cases, during an attack, the muscles become strained, then the baby arches in the form of an arch. Without assistance, the ARP becomes an epileptic fit.

    What should I do if a child rolls by crying?

    Rolling is a reflex. If crying is strong, the child may lose consciousness. During an attack, parents need to act like this:

  • Calm yourself, do not yell at the baby and not be nervous.
  • To restore breathing, sprinkle water on the face or pat the baby on the cheeks.
  • Distract the child after he starts to breathe normally.
  • If convulsions appear on the roll, turn the baby to the side so that it does not suffocate.
  • It is desirable to stop the attack on the initialstage. To do this, do not allow moments of irritation of the child, namely fatigue and hunger. Do not drive the baby if he is dressing for a long time. If the child cries and fits, do not shout at him. Try to explain how to behave properly in this situation. If this does not help, distract the toy or games. Children quickly switch and forget about the cause of hysteria. Parents should know that rolling is not manipulation. To play an attack it is impossible, therefore it is necessary to immediately help the child. Read also:

