First problems

After being discharged from the maternity hospital, babies behaverestlessly, they start to grunt and strain, kick their legs or even cry. The baby is trying to show that they feel discomfort and pain. You should not ignore these signals. As soon as possible, you need to determine the reason why the child is grunting and straining.The child grasps and groansThe child constantly strains and grunts due to discomfort Photo: Getty Reasons for this behavior:

  • Inflammation and colic in newborns.
  • Attempts to poke.
  • In the first case, due to over-educationgases and heaviness in the baby's stomach are bothered by painful spasms. As a result, the child begins to grunt, arch his back, strain and cry. This is how he attracts attention and asks for help, because the baby cannot speak yet. Mom can help the baby - stroke or massage the stomach, do exercises (bend and pull the baby's legs to the stomach several times), massage. Colic in the intestines can be recognized independently:

  • Appear after feeding (after 15-20 minutes).
  • The tummy is hardening, becoming bigger.
  • The baby becomes restless, knees, bends, loudly groans or cries.
  • If the child strains and grunts when tryingpoop, there is no need to sound the alarm and rush to the pharmacy for a laxative. Children can cope with this task very well, but they will need more strength and time. But if the child does not poop for more than a day, you need to visit a doctor and find the cause of the problem.

    When Medical Assistance Is Required

    The child constantly strains and grunts, it’s badeats, burps a lot and often, loses weight and suffers from colic, heartburn, diarrhea and belching? You can’t ignore the problem. The baby will need help from a pediatrician. But grunting in a newborn can also be caused by other, more harmless reasons, for example, he was awkwardly placed or put on tight clothes, the child is hot, wet or cold. Newborns are often cunning - they like stroking their tummy and children grunt to be stroked again. There is nothing scary or supernatural in such behavior of small children, but if the child’s condition worries young parents, you should not be afraid to call the doctor. Competent and timely medical care is the key to the health and well-being of the child. Read also:

