Maintenance and care of pecilia

The fish owe their origin to warm watersSouth America. The length of the pecilia is 3-5 cm. Males are smaller than females and reach a length of only 4 cm. The color of the fish is varied: there are blue, grayish, green, red, yellow, black and even spotted specimens.small fishThe platy fish is extremely unpretentious.Photo: GettyWith proper care, pecilia live for 2-3 years. Choose a high aquarium, since in nature the fish live in the middle layer of water. One fish needs about 1.5 liters of space. A 5-liter jar is suitable for keeping a pair of fish. Every week, replace 30% of the water with fresh water. If the aquarium is inhabited, then provide filtration and aeration in the aquarium. For lighting, choose a medium-power lamp, since the fish do not like bright light. Plant 2/3 of the aquarium with algae. The pecilia is not demanding to the composition of the water, but it is better to choose water of medium hardness. The water temperature should be 23-25 ​​C. In too cold water, the pecilia's fins rot and fungal diseases appear. To treat these diseases, take the following measures:

  • raise the water temperature to 27 C;
  • increase the aeration;
  • add salt: 1 liter of water - 1 g of salt.

Maintain these conditions for a week.For feeding, choose dry, live or frozen food. Most of all, platies love daphnia tubifex and bloodworms. Periodically add lettuce and spinach to their diet. The fish eat algae with pleasure. Platies are friendly and non-aggressive. Therefore, populate their aquarium with equally calm neighbors. Swordtails and guppies are ideal.

Reproduction and care of platy fry

Platies are live-bearing fish.The fry are born fully formed. To have offspring for 3 females, get 1 male. The fish become sexually mature at 6 months. The female carries the fry for up to 1.5 months. As a rule, she gives birth every 2 months. The aggression of pecilia can be directed against the fry, which have a bright color. Therefore, the babies need to be separated. Before the birth of the fry, the female is separated, and then the fry are isolated even from her. On average, about 20-40 fry are born. They are fed 4-5 times a day. Egg yolk or ready-made food for fry is suitable for this. A low aquarium with good aeration is preferable for babies. These easy-to-keep fish delight with their coloring and do not burden with daily care. Next:

