Features of education of the adopted child

In any institution where children are raised,there is a strict daily routine. No need to dramatically change it. Ask the teachers that the schedule did not like the baby. If he didn’t like to go to bed early, let him fall asleep at home a little later. Also, do not rush to cuddle the child with toys. Take the most favorite baby toy from the orphanage to make it calmer.raising a foster childFostering a foster child is difficult butpleasant process Photo: Getty No matter how much you want to please your baby, at first, do not overwhelm him with impressions. No need to immediately take him to the zoo, to the circus, to the cafe and get acquainted with all the relatives. Add impressions little by little. On the contrary, all that a foster child needs is to be as much as possible with his parents. Find out in advance that the child loved and did not like to eat. You should not force-feed him with fruits, fish, greens, no matter how useful they are. Most likely, the crumb will react to unfamiliar products with wariness. Give the child what he knows and loves, but do not feed him with your favorite foods, so as not to get diathesis. Everything is good in moderation.

Mistakes in raising a foster child

Here are the most common mistakes made by adoptive parents:

  • They expect endless gratitude for taking the child from the orphanage.
  • They expect that the child will completely translate the interests of the parents and their views on life.
  • They treat a child as an inferior person who can be completely “redrawn”.
  • Shift the education of the child on the teachers or educators in kindergartens.
  • They use the child as a “bank” in which they invest love and care, solely in order to get something in return.

Avoid these errors as quickly as possible.establish communication with the baby. The problems of raising a foster child will be, no matter how well you prepare for the moment of his coming into the house. No one is immune from mistakes and you should not rely only on yourself in this situation. If you feel that something is going wrong, it is better to seek advice from a professional psychologist.

