The benefit of extracurricular reading

Reading is useful at any age, but it's a habit, which means it needs to be developed. The earlier a child loves reading and starts doing it regularly, the easier it will be in life.extracurricular reading class 1It's important to start developing the habit of extra-class reading already in the first grade, so that as the child ages, the child understands the importance of reading books. Photo: Getty Extra-curricular reading helps:

  • To develop the speed of reading. This will help him to quickly read the material in the textbooks throughout the year.
  • Learn to put accents and words correctly. If the child reads the text aloud, then his speech will become purer and more correct.
  • Develop imagination. Reading, unlike watching movies and cartoons, allows you to think through the characters yourself, and also present the whole story yourself.
  • To assimilate the understanding of the material read. It is important, after reading the book, to ask the child what it was about, and what he understood from this.

All this confirms the fact that you need to read in the summer. It does not take much time, but it does a great job.

Requirements for reading speed first-graders

To understand what the speed of reading your child, give him any work, ask him to read it any piece of text and note the time. Then evaluate the results:

  • The child should read 35 words a minute.
  • He must be able to correctly emphasize stresses.
  • He must correctly read the words and pronounce the endings.

If the results obtained meet the criteria, then you can be calm.

List of extracurricular literature

The main works worth reading to a first-grader are:

  • "Moidodir" Chukovsky;
  • "Aibolit" Chukovsky;
  • "Uncle Stepa" Mikhalkov;
  • "The Living Hat" by Nosov;
  • "Crocodile Gena and his friends" Uspensky;
  • Prishvin's "Hawk and the Lark";
  • "The Puss in Boots" by Charles Perrault;
  • "The Snow Queen" by Andersen;
  • "Ugly Duckling" by Andersen;
  • "Fife and a pitcher";
  • "Soroka and the hedgehog";
  • "The fox and the hare";
  • "The golden meadow."

Reading such works helps formthe child's correct values, as well as ideas about good and evil. Develop a habit of reading with a first-grader is an important task for parents. Thanks to this, the horizon of the child, his erudition, imagination and logic will increase. In addition, reading is a means of educating correct views of the world and forming a child's own opinion.

