How to use essential oils for children

For children, you should use only high-quality oil with a minimum of synthetic components in the composition.essential oil for childrenEssential oil for children should benaturalPhoto: Getty They can be used no earlier than when the child is two weeks old. Which essential oils can be used for children depends on the age of the baby:

  • From 2 weeks, a chamomile or lavenderbutter. They have a soothing, relaxing effect. Chamomile oil also has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties and can cope with inflammation on the delicate skin.
  • Starting from two months you can add sandalwood and fennel oil. Fennel oil will accelerate recovery, if the child has caught cold, and sandalwood will strengthen immunity.
  • After six months, tea tree oil, cinnamon and geranium oil are allowed.

Until the child reaches two years of age, it is forbiddeneucalyptus oil remains for him. It can be used only after consultation with a pediatrician, especially when it comes to inhalations. For children under 12, the dosage of any oil should be half that for an adult. Essential oils that are safe for children are used as follows:

  • For soothing baths. It is enough to dilute one drop of ether in a tablespoon of base oil, which can serve as a vegetable, and pour the mixture into the water.
  • For inhalations with cough. It is necessary to choose oils with anti-inflammatory properties. They will facilitate the withdrawal of phlegm and speed recovery. The state of health improves after several procedures.
  • For the treatment of allergic reactions on the skin. Irritated places should be greased with a drop of oil.
  • For the aromatization of the room. All that is needed is an aroma lamp. It must be put where the child can not reach. With this aromatherapy, a soothing, relaxing effect is achieved.

If you experience any allergy symptoms - rash, itchy skin, sudden breathing problems - stop using the oil immediately and tell your pediatrician. It is also useful to know:

