A beautiful actress, known not only forseries production, but also on the work in the wonderful "What Men Talk About", most recently became a mother for the second time. In August, 38-year-old Elena Podkamenskaya gave birth to a girl. And already in November the stellar mother is going to return to work. About this and much more - in an interview for the readers of "Antenna." - Now on the First Channel is the series "Sleeping" with your participation. What was most memorable during the filming? With whom of the partners managed to make friends? Elena Podkaminskaya (Elena Podkaminskaya)- For me, an important criterion of participation in that orAnother project is an image that I would catch fire. After reading the script, I originally wanted to play the role of Elena (she was eventually played by Karina Razumovskaya - "Antennas" note), but the director saw the distribution of roles differently. Why agreed to the role of Pauline? I really wanted to work with director Yuri Bykov, and there was one scene in the script, which seemed very interesting actor's. Interacting with partners was very comfortable, but this experience once again convinced me that in the format of 4-5 shooting days for the whole history of the image, it's difficult for me to work and partly is counter-indicative. When you only begin to feel the hero's tonality at last, your strength and weakness, the character opening depth, and already almost everything is shot, it becomes uncomfortable. I'm definitely not the actress of small runs. I need more space to immerse in the image, the ability to search and think, more detailed rehearsal tests to the "motor" team. And I remember the shooting that was especially interesting for me the scene in which my heroine breaks through to sincerity and bare expression, was shot in extreme conditions. When the time came for this scene, it turned out that we were already being kicked from the object of filming. Happiness, that I always prepare in advance, and I had a precise understanding that it is important for me to play. For two takes I did it as best I could. Honestly, after that I cried from the experience of stress. Then, already at the scoring, I was very surprised that at that time I still won this "battle with production".Elena Podkamynskaya interview 2017Photo: Stanislav Boiko-Congratulations on the birth of your second daughter! How has your life changed with the advent of Eve? How did the elder Polina take her sister?Elena Podkaminskaya (Elena Podkaminskaya)- From my line of natural parenting, I am notretreated, on the contrary, deepened it - gave birth at home, immediately put the baby to the breast and did not tear it away from myself. I live the life of a child, so it's better not to ask if I'm getting enough sleep. The state of mind is unspeakably happy, and the difficulties are all expected. I love water and therefore really appreciate the moments when I manage to stand under streams of hot water or kill two birds with one stone - together with Eve "swim" in the bathroom. The little sister did not fall on Polina from the ceiling, we were all preparing the theme of the appearance of the younger sister. Since Polya has always been in the center, the whole world revolved around her and she bathed in insane adoration and love, it is not easy for her now. Often she comes running to me and asks if I love her and ... who is more, her or Eve. She wonders why I spend so much time with my little one. I tell her a lot about how tiny we lived with her and how I fed her all the time, how we slept and swam together, that everything was as it is now with Eve. Therefore, in this difficult situation for her, Paulie has no irritability, hysteria, or harshness. She is insanely tender and affectionate to the little one and repeats everything after me: how I touch Evin's fingers, how I kiss and stroke, communicates with her sister with a heartfelt and warm touch. For me, these are always moments of happiness. - Polina went to first grade this year? What is her success in school?Elena Podkaminskaya (Elena Podkaminskaya)- This year Polina began to master the courseprimary schooling, but within the framework of family education. I believe that this approach is more in line with the personal and individual development of Polina. The family form of training gave me the opportunity to saturate Polina's life with interesting subjects: French, dance and streaming, jazz vocal, elementary music and piano, iso-art, sport ... She has an active and interesting life, creatively saturated. While she enjoys it all. Those who communicate with it and develop it - people are extraordinary and interesting.Elena Podkaminskaya - personal life, the latest news 2017Photo: First Channel - This year you can be seen in some films and performances or decided to devote oneself to the family?Elena Podkaminskaya (Elena Podkaminskaya)- I return to the profession smoothly and gradually: I am very anxious about the first year of Eve's life, where breastfeeding on demand and the inseparable proximity of mother and child are the basis of her development and happiness. But already on November 2 I play the favorite literary solo performance "The Careless Actress" on the New Stage of the Vakhtangov Theater, and on November 10 and 24 in the Satire Theater I will play my Diana in the performance "A Dog in the Manger". Ahead of me is shooting a new project for the STS channel, and Eva, of course, will go to play and shoot with me. - You have literary solo performances in which you read works of different authors. And in moments of sadness and joy, which authors are you referring to?Elena Podkaminskaya (Elena Podkaminskaya)- In my life in moments of sadness and joywrapped in a blanket, brewing his tea, and turn to the authors, lying in a rocking chair - an inadmissible luxury. If I possessed it, I would gladly plunge into the world of Chekhov or Pushkin.

