Star of the TV series "Kitchen", 38-year-old ElenaPodkamiskaya is expecting a baby. About the upcoming replenishment in the family, the actress, who until recently hid the pregnancy, decided to tell the journalists herself. Elena Podkaminskaya did not want to advertise an interesting situation, because she does not like excessive public attention to her personal life. In the photos in Instagram, for example, the future mother tried to choose such angles that her rounded tummy would not be visible. Disclose the mystery actress considered necessary only at a time when pregnancy has become too obvious.Elena Podkaminskaya confirmed the second pregnancyPhoto:@podkaminskaya_official “I do not strive to make an informational lead from my personal life. For me, an interview is more of an experiment. I really hope that as a result, it will be possible to avoid gossip and meaningless fantasies. I would like to protect myself and people close to me from unnecessary conversations and rumors. As for work, of course, I don't have a happy opportunity to go on maternity leave and disconnect from work. Although the rhythm is certainly slowed down now. Therefore, all hope is for a strong rear and support of family and friends, ”said Elena Podkaminskaya. Apparently, the baby of the actress and her chosen one will be born in a couple of months. The newborn will become the second child of Elena Podkaminskaya, who is already raising her daughter Polina, she will be seven years old this year. The girl was born in the marriage of the actress with her first husband, Alexander Plyatsev. Apr 30 2017 at 11:54 PDT As for the father of the unborn child Podkaminskaya, he, according to the star, is a non-public person. “He is not at all interested in publicity, and he is against the invasion of our personal space. We do not plan to confuse the red carpet with family life ", - quotes Elena Podkaminskaya edition" ".

