Consequences of DPT vaccination

In the first year of a child's life, they vaccinate 3 times. At the age of 1.5 years, the vaccine is repeated. For the body to fight the infection, these 4 times are enough. Immunity decreases after vaccination - this should not worry you. After a couple of days, the baby returns to normal. The substance that is part of the vaccine is painful - the children react to it with a long cry and screaming.reqds consequencesWhat are the consequences of vaccination DDSPhoto: Getty Complications are divided into general and local. After vaccination, the injection site swells, swelling appears, in some cases - an inflammatory process. The swelling reaches 8 cm, lasts for several days. Passes by itself. These are local complications. Common complications include:

  • Cramps. The convulsive syndrome is accompanied by high fever of more than 38 ° C.
  • Allergy - angioedema (affects the body), urticaria. Less common is anaphylactic shock — a serious complication that does not always appear immediately, but after half an hour.
  • Loss of appetite, vomiting, weakness.
  • Lameness. If the drug is administered incorrectly, the baby may limp. To prevent this, it is necessary to inject the vaccine into the front of the thigh, intramuscularly.

If, after vaccination, the child has been in contact with a sick person, then infection from him is possible - a cough, sore throat, redness will appear, since the baby’s body is weakened during this period.

How to avoid the effects of DTP

In order to avoid complications, inoculateabsolutely healthy baby. Even a slight increase in temperature is a contraindication. Before administering the vaccine, the pediatrician should carefully examine the baby. Ask your doctor how to avoid the consequences. To reduce the negative effects of vaccination, give your child a relaxing massage, apply a compress, but not on the basis of alcohol. After vaccination, give the child an antipyretic agent. During the day, give more water, walk outside, avoid large crowds. If there is swelling, lubricate the skin around it with a special cream. As you can see, the effects of DPT in children are different. To avoid adverse effects, consult a physician. Remember, you can refuse vaccinations - the baby’s health is in your hands. Read more:

