When there is a character formation in children

The basis for future individual traits of characteris laid down at birth and in the first years of a child's life. It is then that the foundation of the character is laid - the temperament, on which the remaining features of the little person are later layered.character educationThe education of character must begin with the veryearly age. Photo: Getty. For 3 months the kid begins to interact more consciously with the world, the process of becoming a character becomes more active. And by the age of 6 months, the baby is mastering the skills of grasping, which in the future go to the stage of purposeful desire to grab your favorite toy. The next stage begins at the age of 1, when the movements of the little person become more independent, he already makes attempts to walk alone. This period is very important for the development of confidence in parents, a sense of security and safety. The easiest way to teach a child the right behavior, to instill sociability, courage and other important characteristics is to involve him in a collective game. From 2 to 6 years comes the most active period of the development of the psyche . The circle of communication expands, new places, objects, actions are opened. And here a huge role is played by parents and the surrounding environment, kids copy the behavior of adults, imitate them.

How to help the child in the process of laying down individual traits

In order to help the process of bookmarking one or another of the individual characteristics, the baby should be constantly involved in the performance of some simple tasks:

  • It is possible to instill love and respect for physical labor through joint work activities, where a sense of responsibility and duty, discipline, and diligence will be formed.
  • Organize the organization, punctuality, accuracy will help the parents made the daily routine.
  • Rules of interaction, collectivism,friendliness, ability to defend their own opinion, all this is successfully formed in the moments of playing and learning activities in the team. The more children attend developing classes, circles and sections, the better they socialize and adapt in new conditions for him.

To help shape your own worldview,life beliefs and goals - the main task of education of character. It is from this that the future behavior of an adult will depend on making important decisions and achieving goals. The best way to educate is to demonstrate by example. And the best means of education is a joint game. Involving the child in the game process from an early age, you can set for him rules and norms of behavior, to instill positive qualities.

