They came together - Dzhigurda and Anisina, and againpassionately kissed before everyone's eyes. Star spouses who, with a scandal, divorced at the end of 2016, again together - at least in public. The day before they had gathered a press conference in one of the news agencies and had merged into a hot kiss on the cameras. The initiator of such a manifestation of tenderness was Nikita, and Marina initially resisted, but not for long. A little later the figure skater reported that she was pregnant again. And the father of the child is sure that the third time they will have a boy. "" On the joys bought the floor of a children's store ", - shared the shots with shopping in social networks Marina.A photo: @ marinanisinaDzhigurda even invented a name for the heir: according to him, the future son, she and Marina would be called Jonathan - in memory of the deceased under mysterious circumstances in February 2016, the businesswoman Lyudmila Jonathanovna Bratash. Recall, it was she who was the godmother of their daughter and she before the death bequeathed to the couple, according to the actor's words, almost 800 million rubles. Note that the other two children of Dzhigurdy and Anisina also have exotic names: the son who was born in 2009 was called Mika -Angel-Krist, and the daughter that appeared one year later is Eva-Vlad. So Jonathan, you can say, is an ordinary name, short and without frills. By the way, in September 2016, Dzhigurda himself officially changed his name to Jonathan El-Air Bratash-Ji Pogorzelsky von Gan Eden, explaining that he did it "in with the memory of the murdered kuma, with whom we were part of the European Rosicrucian Order. "

