The third child, Maya's daughter, was born in a familyDjigana and Oksana Samoilova April 27. "The third Cesarean is not sugar," the young mother confessed. However, she recovered very quickly and now looks almost better than before the birth. And then the family had another reason for joy: last week, Gigan received the certificate of a large family in Moscow and officially became a large father. "On June 8, our family was issued a certificate a large family of the city of Moscow, now I have the official status of a father with many children, "Gigan boasted. Publication from Gigan / GeeGun (@iamgeegun) Jun 9 2017 at 6:30 PDT The rapper was surprised to learn that he now had many benefits: free public transport for one adult and all children, free parking for one car, a piece of land and a 50 percent discount on all utility payments. "As they say, a penny is saved by a penny," the happy father rejoiced. And he promised: "We will save money only for children." "Yes, we were pleased with a bag with benefits. But the main thing for us is that the parking is free of charge, "Samoylova laughs.Photo:@samoylovaoxanaA certificate of a parent with many children is issued only once per family. And it is not at all necessary to carry it with you. “But I will, I am pleased to be a father of many children with a certificate. I have close friends with such a certificate, but among my fellow artists I do not know who has one. Maybe I am the only one?” Dzhigan said proudly. Well, so what? He has every right - the man really has something to be proud of.