How to draw a plan with a diagram

For work, prepare a Whatman paper, ruler, sharpen pencils. To make it easier, grab a map or open the google maps app.draw a route from school to homeDraw a route from school to home can be with your child Photo: Getty Here's a step-by-step instruction on how to work:

  • Draw a frame on the sheet. At its center a wide strip draw the main road, and in thin strips - adjacent roads. Rectangles depict all the houses, one of which is yours.
  • In the upper corner of the diagram, schematically depict the school building and the schoolyard.
  • Pencil in a different color draw pedestrian paths.
  • Cross the house and school. Connect the end points of the route with the dotted line.
  • Mark on the child's way zebras and traffic lights where he will cross the road.
  • Draw all the other objects passing by the child - parks, supermarkets, office buildings, etc.
  • In clear and large letters, sign all the objects.

If you wish, you can decorate the picture to make the baby more interesting.

Useful Tips for Drawing a Safe Card

Here are a few more things to consider:

  • If you can go to school in several different ways, choose the safest option, that is, where the less busy road, there are no dark alleys, and so on.
  • For legend, you can use not only common icons, but also those that your child will invent. So it will be easier for him to remember how the map is arranged, what and where is located.
  • Especially dangerous zones on the route can be highlighted in red and sign with the word "danger". For example, it is possible to designate abandoned houses, construction sites and other similar places.
  • At least once pass with the child along the traced route, armed with your drawing. You can also cut out a little man from the paper and draw it along the drawing, playing a role-playing game.
  • Turn the process of drawing a route into a game. The child should be interested in that he does not perceive this task as a routine task.

Do not forget to check if the child knows the rulesroad traffic for pedestrians, before first letting it go along the painted route. He must clearly know which traffic signal to cross the road, what to do if the traffic light does not work, etc. Hang the picture in a prominent place so that the child can remember it. Let him in his mind imprinted the safest version of the road home.

