A photo: Getty Images Big soft toys. Something is considered that a toddler necessarily needs plush toys and a lot. Not really. They have more minuses than pluses: they do not develop, they take up a lot of space, they collect dust. Chocolate and other sweets for mom After childbirth during breastfeeding, mom is usually not recommended to use potentially allergenic foods. Therefore, instead of joy, your chocolates will turn into tantalum tortures. Bottles and nipples Someone feeds from a bottle and gives a pacifier, someone - no, someone breastfeeds up to three years, someone - up to three months. Let the parents decide what they need, and they will choose and buy the appropriate devices. The pie from diapers looks, of course, in an original way. Noah) diapers all the same - this is a means of hygiene. Somehow not comme il faut, b) diapers are individual, and the probability that "yours" will fit is very small, c) the diapers in this "cake" are added manually, that is, each diaper is laid by hand. By whom? Clean hands? Are there any other questions? A photo: Getty Images Loud toys A terrible dream for parents. Firstly, they often frighten the baby, and secondly, incredibly act on the already irritated nerves of a tired mom. Gifts for the growth of things with a very distant perspective will take up a lot of space. Plus one headache? Hardly my mother will say thank you. Designers with small details. First, again, such a gift will become relevant only after three years. Secondly, even for a grown up child, there is a danger of swallowing a small detail. Therefore, it is better to choose prefabricated toys with large details. This is safer, and the baby will not be so tiring of their assembly. Child nutrition This is a minefield, you risk wasting money. After all, only my mother knows what kind of food, which producers and what quality the child eats. A photo: Getty Images Air Balloons Yes, these unchanging attributes of almost every meeting from the hospital are pleasing to the eye, but they are dangerous for their noise effects. The ball can suddenly burst and frighten the crumb out of jest. COLORS One more present that seems natural for the mother of the newborn. But lush bouquets should not be given anyway, as moms are still sensitive to smells, and the flowers can cause the strongest allergic reaction in a child. A bright postcard is suitable as a replacement.

