Features of feeding a mixture

Until a year the body of a child who is on artificial feeding, needs an adapted milk formula. In the nine-month-old baby's menu, it must be mandatory.artificial feeding of a baby 9 monthsFeatures of artificial feeding of a baby 9 months Photo: Getty At this age the mixture supplements complementary feeding, but is not the basis of the whole diet. It should be given to the child only 2-3 times a day:

  • night feeding (early in the morning);
  • before daytime sleep;
  • before a night's sleep.

Children on artificial feeding in suchage can refuse the mixture at night. In this case, they have only 2 days of feeding. At 9 months, the volume of the mixture for one meal is 200 ml. Depending on the characteristics and needs of the child's body, this amount may vary slightly.

Features of complementary feeding

Artificial feeding of a baby 9 monthsimplies compliance with the regime. The basic meals should always be at the same time. This is necessary for the stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, facilitating the process of adaptation to new products. A 9-month-old baby's ration on artificial feeding includes:

  • milk and dairy-free cereals (corn, rice, oats and buckwheat);
  • vegetable mono and multicomponent puree;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese);
  • yolk quail eggs;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • fruit and berry puree.

At this age in the baby's menu, you should startadd meat. For complementary foods, beef, veal or rabbit will suit. They rarely provoke allergic reactions, and are also easily absorbed by the body. Pork for children up to a year is too fatty product. It can cause a disorder in the stool. At the age of nine months, the child should have 4 main feedings. For breakfast give porridge with fruit or milk. Lunch - vegetable soup with meat puree. At noon, it's best to give yogurt, curd with biscuits or fruit. Dinner - porridge with yolk or milk. Artificial feeding and introduction of complementary foods in 9 months is important to organize taking into account the characteristics of the child's body. Before introducing the baby to new products, you should consult a pediatrician. See also:

