removal of papillomas at homeIf you don't know what papillomas are,consider yourself very lucky. But, unfortunately, many people know about this phenomenon firsthand - even if they don’t realize that the growths on their bodies are called papillomas. This is the issue we will now try to sort out together with you. It is not for nothing that they say that you need to know your enemy by sight - only in this case will you cope with the problem as quickly as possible and without much damage to your health. And the main thing you need to start with is to calm down. Yes, papillomas are not a particularly aesthetic thing. But there is no threat to health, so there is no reason to to remove papilloma at home

What is papilloma?

Many people confuse papillomas withwarts. In fact, they are not so far from the truth - warts and papillomas are very similar. However, there is still a difference. Benign tumors called papillomas arise as a result of infection of the body with the papilloma virus - by the way, very, very common. Doctors say that about 80% of the adult population is infected with it. In most cases, the virus does not make itself known in any way. However, if the immune system is disrupted, the virus can become active and papillomas will begin to grow like mushrooms after rain. The problems that can cause a weakening of the human immune system are the following:

  • Syndrome of chronic fatigue, nedosyp.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Recently suffered illness.

Of course, these are far from all the reasons, but they are the ones that occur most often.

Is self-removal by papillomas safe?

Most people try to cope withproblem on your own. However, is it worth resorting to removing papillomas at home, and even with folk remedies? After all, a papilloma is not a clogged pore or even a pimple, but a full-fledged neoplasm, albeit benign. This means that we cannot completely exclude the possibility that this formation can degenerate into a malignant one. Although, of course, the risk is simply minimal. Therefore, it is much wiser to consult a doctor - a cosmetologist or dermatologist who will assess the scale of the disaster and find a solution to your problem. But if you have no desire or opportunity to go to the doctor, but you really want to remove the papillomas, give preference to harmless methods - the main thing is that the treatment does not harm to get rid of papillomas at home

Adhesive medical tape

The easiest and safest way to get rid ofpapillomas - a special sticky medical tape that is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. This tape is impregnated with a special compound that helps to quickly remove papillomas. The treatment is extremely simple - cut off a piece of the right size and stick it on the papilloma, leave it for about five days. Removing the tape is not as easy as it seems at first glance. To do it correctly, soak a small gauze napkin in water and apply it to the tape for five minutes. Then remove it with a sharp movement, like a wax strip for epilation. In most cases, the strip comes off together with the papilloma. But if suddenly this does not happen, repeat the entire procedure again - as a rule, after the second time everything definitely works out.

  • Aloe vera

If you have access to aloe leaves,you are lucky - very soon there will be no trace of the papillomas. Please note - the treatment will only be effective if the plant is older than five years. Cut the leaf in half and apply the cut side to the papilloma, fix it with adhesive tape and leave for three hours. Do this procedure every day - and in about a week you will see the result.

  • Celandine

You can buy celandine infusion in any pharmacy,which is ideal for cauterizing papillomas and warts. Lubricate the papillomas with a tampon soaked in celandine tincture. And in the summer, you can enhance the effect and lubricate them with fresh celandine juice. In about 10 days, the papillomas will begin to disappear. Those people who have already gotten rid of warts and papillomas in this way warn - it is necessary to avoid getting celandine on healthy skin, so as not to burn them.

  • Tea tree oil

We have already mentioned above that papillomasarise from a virus. Therefore, you can try treatment with tea tree essential oil - it has a very powerful aseptic effect. Therefore, if you are looking for a way to get rid of papillomas using folk remedies, you cannot ignore this recipe. The treatment is extremely simple - soak a cotton swab in oil and thoroughly lubricate each papilloma. Repeat this procedure two or three times a day and in about a week you will notice the first improvements. However, do not stop the treatment - the entire course should last at least one month.

  • Banana peel

Do you want to get rid of papillomas using folk remedies?means? Eat bananas - they are not only tasty, but also healthy. But do not throw away banana peels - you will need them for treatment. Moreover, the treatment itself is ridiculously simple - wipe the papilloma with a banana peel as often as possible. Of course, at home, treatment with folk remedies does not create problems. But what about those who spend most of their time in the office? After all, you will not jump around like a monkey with bananas ... But there is nothing complicated here - at home, cut the banana peel into small pieces and put them in a small container. The treatment lasts about two to three weeks until the papillomas fall off.

  • Walnut

Another safe and quite effective one.a way to get rid of papilloma - a regular walnut. Peel it, grind it thoroughly and apply it to the papilloma, cover it with plastic wrap and leave for two hours. Repeat the procedure once a day for a month. If you want to get rid of papillomas forever, and even with folk remedies, be sure to remember the need to strengthen your immune system. Your doctor will tell you how best to do this. But the basics are simple - proper nutrition, good rest, walks in the fresh air, exercise, vitamins. If you follow all the rules and choose the best treatment, you will be able to get rid of the problem very quickly. We recommend reading:

