The appearance of teeth begins at 6-8 months. Photo: Getty Images The first year of a child’s life literally every day is filled with discoveries and new achievements. It seemed that yesterday the baby timidly tried to hold the head, and today he is already confidently sitting and making the first attempts to get up on his own. And, perhaps, only one in the development of the crumbs in the first year of life causes the parents as much joy as excitement - teeth and what to do when the teeth are cut. First went At the age of 6–8 months the baby develops excessive salivation, gums swell, and cut lower central incisors. In most cases, this process proceeds painlessly. Therefore, many parents notice that their child cuts the first tooth, when the tooth is already “pecking” from the gums. For the family, this is a great and joyful event that has resulted in a good tradition - to give the baby a silver spoon. This tradition is also connected with the fact that the baby begins to get acquainted with the new food, and the parents are given the baby the first complementary food. By the year the child usually has 8 teeth, four upper and lower incisors. The first upper and lower molars appear from 12 to 19 months. Fangs "leave" in the period from 16 to 22 months. The second lower molars appear at 20–33 months, the second upper molars - at 24–36 months. Such large time intervals are related to the fact that the appearance of teeth for each baby is individual, and depends on the readiness of the organism for this important stage of life and the sufficiency of the necessary “building materials”. You shouldn’t worry if your child’s teeth go away from this calendar: a departure from the norm up to several weeks is considered permissible. Alarms are also individual and the reaction of the child’s body to the appearance of teeth. Someone teething without any problems, and causes only positive emotions in mom, dad and relatives. For other families, the long-awaited baby teeth become a real test, when the crumb, on the contrary, is experiencing significant discomfort, the appearance of teeth causes a decrease in appetite, sleep disturbance, and general anxiety. And in this case, the parents, naturally, try to find the answer to the question of how they can help when the children have their teeth cut. Unfortunately, there is no panacea that can save a child from the unpleasant sensations associated with the appearance of teeth. Parental attention and patience will be the main help for the baby in this difficult period for him. True help However, there are a number of tools aimed at alleviating the symptoms of teething, such as aching pain, itchy swollen gums. Often, for these purposes, drying, crackers, apples, carrots or cabbage stalks are used. However, a child aged six months and a little older is not yet sufficiently mastered the chewing reflex and can simply choke on a bitten off piece of solid food. It is worth being careful when using such "food massagers" for gums, and not to leave the child alone with them. In addition, a decrease in appetite and a violation of the child’s stool, diarrhea, which are often manifested during the period of teething, can be triggered by these spontaneous snacks. Try to adhere to the existing nutritional schedule, and carefully introduce new products. If your baby has teeth cut, it is better to use chilled teething toys to massage the gums and relieve pain and irritation. They gently massage the inflamed gums of the crumbs, while the sharp and hard edges of the drying or rusks can scratch them. In addition, teethers help in the development of the grasping reflex of the baby and fine motor skills. To relieve painful teething when there are teething, there are also specialized local gels and gum ointments. As a rule, they contain painkillers and also have anti-inflammatory effects. These tools are quite accessible. However, it is worth remembering that these are medications, and they should be used only after consulting with a pediatrician or a dentist. High degreesThe most worrying fears of parents at the time when the baby is teething causes fever. Ideally, the appearance of teeth should not cause it. To protect local immunity during this period, nature provides for increased salivation - a natural prevention of the inflammatory process from the oral cavity. However, at this time not only local, but also the general immunity of the baby is reduced. The main forces of the child’s body are directed precisely at the growth of the teeth, and the crumb becomes susceptible to various colds and infections. And the increase in temperature is nothing more than a signal that a certain inflammatory process is occurring. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the state of the child during this period, to track changes in his general behavior. A slight increase in temperature to 37–37.7 degrees for one to three days during this period is considered permissible. But a longer persistence of elevated temperature or a sharp rise from 38 degrees and higher in the first days is a reason to ask for help from a pediatrician. It is also worth noting that by 6 months protective antibodies are no longer produced in breast milk, and the crumbs begin to form their own immunity, which also makes it susceptible to various colds. Careful careGetting the baby's first teeth is also important, as well as caring for the molars of the baby, which will appear after them. In the mouth should not linger food. This contributes to the proliferation of bacteria and has an adverse effect on the gums and teeth of the child. To do this, water your baby during the day with clean water. Teaching gentle gums to daily cleaning, start with the first tooth. It is better to do this with a soft silicone brush. At the age of 1 year - it is necessary to show the baby to the dentist. He will assess the state of health of the baby’s oral cavity and give all the necessary recommendations. Why does it arise?