Have you noticed that crying baby oftenassociated with colic? This happens because the baby's microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is only beginning to form, therefore, the process of digesting food does not simply pass. Colic, bloating and other troubles become a natural result of the formation of microflora. Many mothers understand this, but not everyone knows how to help the child. During this period, it is important to support the growing organism, especially if the baby was born prematurely, by means of a caesarean section, or was kept on artificial feeding for a long time. In the company “Sandoz” a novelty “Linex for children®” appeared in a convenient form of drops. Probiotic is enough to take once a day to replenish the supply of beneficial bacteria in the body and strengthen the microflora. It is important that the preparation consists of BB-12 bifidobacteria, similar to those found in breast milk, and also there are no lactose, palm oil and gluten.Colic and bloating: how to help baby tummy?Colic and bloating: how to help baby tummy?Also interesting:

