Children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system

Такие детишки часто имеют заниженную self-esteem, lack self-confidence and are easily influenced. Despite normal mental development, they are poorly adapted to solving everyday issues, are personally immature and naive, and are constrained in communicating with peers.children with disorders of the musculoskeletal systemFor children with musculoskeletal disordersmassage and training are requiredPhoto: Getty Therefore, the family and its attitude towards the child play a big role in his upbringing. Parents should try to adhere to some rules in order to prepare their child for adult life:

  • Do not regret the child because of his illness, treat him as well as other family members.
  • At the same time, do not deprive him of attention and love. It is important to live communication, it will not replace the computer or TV.
  • Organize your life so that the child is not a burden to anyone, and no one in the family is a victim.
  • Watch yourself, your behavior and appearance, so that he is proud of you and takes an example.
  • Do not indulge him, do not be afraid to deny something, if such a purchase you can not afford.

In accordance with his physical capabilities, equip the apartment with devices for training muscles and motor skills. Learn therapeutic massage.

Development and education

The child may need to be educated in a special institution. If parents want to send him to a regular school, they should check with the management:

  • Is there a possibility of training according to an adapted program, taking into account the characteristics of the child?
  • Is it possible for it to move freely?corridors and classrooms. For this purpose, the walls must be equipped with railings along the entire perimeter. Doorways must be at least 80 cm wide, and the entrance to the building and stairs must have ramps - if the child moves in a stroller.

Specialized schools for children with problemshave an educational and therapeutic program. It includes work on correcting disorders of the musculoskeletal system, as far as possible. Also, treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, the fight against stress and depression, and diseases that arise against their background are carried out.

