Children Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt read a lotChildren Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt read a lotChildren Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt read a lotChildren Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt read a lot1 / 4 Photo: Splashnews Photo: Splashnews Photo:Splashnews Photo: Splashnews Yesterday Angelina Jolie with their youngest children Vivienne and Knox was seen at the exit from the store. The famous mother held the children by the hand, and they carried huge bags of books. Seeing the reporters, the kids were a little embarrassed, but the actress encouraged them: she smiled and said something. In one of her interviews, Angelina admitted that she and Brad Pitt do not indulge their sons and daughters with gadgets and give extremely useful gifts - educational games and books. She also stated that she prohibits children from using social networks, considering it a waste of time. Recall that Angelina and Brad have six children: 13-year-old Maddox, 12-year-old Pax, 10-year-old Zakhara, 9-year-old Shiloh and 7-year-old Vivienne and KNOX: The actors spend all their free time with the family. Sometimes Angie takes her older children with her on charity trips. So, recently she is in Turkey. READ THE LINK.

