1 / 3 Photo: Instagram Photo: Instagram Photo:The model and mother of many children Elena Perminova has repeatedly said that she owes her perfect figure to regular sports. The other day she posted on Instagram shots and videos from a training session on a yacht. Judging by the publications, the celebrity really did not spare herself, replacing the weights and dumbbells with her sons - 6-year-old Nikita and 3-year-old Yegor (one-year-old daughter Arina remained behind the scenes) .So, Perminova's children lay on their backs during push-ups, hung on her shoulders in squatting time and much, much more ... At the same time, it seemed that the exercises were given to the model with ease. But no matter how it is! Then she posted a video called "Behind the scenes", which shows how hard it is for her. Elena Perminova's publications were appreciated by a huge number of her friends and subscribers. Many people wrote compliments in the comments: “I haven’t seen this before! Great! Well done! "," I admire this girl. We would like to pull ourselves together! ”,“ Supermama! ”. Jul 26 2015 at 8:48 PDT Jul 27 2015 at 5:23 PDT

