Why an 8-month-old baby is not sitting by itself

There is no specific rate or schedule,when the child begins to perform any actions, because all children develop at different speeds. Some babies already sit down by 5 months, while others need more time.baby is not sitting at 8 monthsThere are several reasons why a child in 8months does not sit independently. Photo: Getty. Of course, most moms have a delay in development causing panic. But not in all cases the unwillingness to sit talking about the presence of pathology. And the main reasons why the baby does not sit down himself:

  • insufficiently strengthened muscles;
  • the baby is not ready to independently sit morally;
  • overweight interferes with the baby.

But unwillingness to sit can talk about a delay indevelopment. You should consult a doctor if you notice symptoms such as underweight, strabismus, hyper tone, or, conversely, muscle weakness, rolling up your eyes. In this case, the pediatrician will assess the condition of the child and prescribe adequate treatment.

What to do if the baby does not sit by itself

If an 8-month-old child is not for any reasonhe sits down himself, and at the same time there are no pathologies or health problems, there is no need to worry too much. Just the musculoskeletal system of the baby is not yet able to withstand such loads. Do not rush things, and in no case can not do the following:

  • Do not try to force the child by putting pillows on him.
  • Do not carry the little one in the stroller in a sitting position.
  • You can not sit or carry the baby in his arms, sitting him on the ass.

Such actions will lead to the fact that violateddevelopment of the motor system of the baby. In the future, the child will have a lot of problems with the spine. In addition, attempts to plant a child can cause a negative reaction in a growing personality and he simply does not want to sit down. In order for the baby to develop well it is necessary to do exercises and massage for newborns from the first weeks of his life. In addition, it helps to develop the musculoskeletal system of the baby swimming. Moreover, such exercises can be performed both in the pool and at home in the bathroom. Then by the age of 8 months he will not only sit on his own, but also crawl.

