Why the child does not sit on the pot?

Schooling to clean - one of the most importantearly childhood skills. But he should not be taught before the age of 12-18 months. By this moment the brain and nervous system will develop enough, memory will form, the spine will get stronger.the child does not sit on the potIf the child does not sit on the pot, blameparents.Photo: Getty If the crumb stubbornly refuses the pot, then he is not to blame, but the parents. The main mistakes that make too caring moms and dads:

  • Too early schooling. Adults are ahead of events, trying to plant or hold over the pot a baby who is not yet a year old. The weak back and undeveloped sphincter muscles do not allow to sit and, moreover, to restrain the urge.
  • Excessive rigor. The kid is constantly criticized for the fact that he "was not asked on time." He is nervous and soils his pants more often.
  • Demonstration of disgust. Adults express disgust to the contents of the pot. This forms negative associations in the child.
  • Wrong pot. Do not buy complex models with musical and lighting effects. Having played, the baby will forget about the “main thing”. It is not suitable for teaching the first hygiene skills and an adult toilet - it frightens with its size and the noise of the cistern.
  • Inconsistency in learning. Mother, father, grandmother or nanny should use the same methods. When each teacher acts in his own way, the baby does not understand what is wanted of him.

In addition to parental deficiencies, physical factors may work — mental or emotional retardation. In the absence of hygienic skills after 2 years, doctors are looking for the cause.

What to do if the child does not want to sit on the pot

Systematic training for neatness is better.start from 15 months. Children's intestines emptied 1-2 times a day. Mom will quickly determine the usual time when you need to put the baby on the potty. As soon as the child satisfies his need, he must be raised and praised. Scarce refuses, crying - do not insist. Wait a couple of weeks and start learning all over again - plant 1-2 times a day, at certain hours, for a few minutes. When the baby is on the pot, do not adjust it. There is no result for 10 minutes - raise the child. Exercising the bladder is more difficult. This will help the panties, which wear day instead of a diaper. Wet underpants cause discomfort, which stimulates the desire for cleanliness. After each feeding, put the baby on the potty. Praise the child every time he manages to stay dry for a long time. If a child does not sit on the pot a year, do not rush things. Learning cleanliness requires an understanding of the nature of the little man. A little more time, patience, love, and the baby will learn the skills easily and naturally. Read also:

