Why does a child speak poorly

It is important not just to start classes right away, but also to find out why there is a lag. child does not speak at 3 yearsIf the child does not speak at the age of 3, try to find out the reason for this. Photo: Getty To understand what to do, you must first find out the reason. There can be many reasons for such delays:

  • This lag may be due to brain dysfunction or hearing impairment;
  • Remember the gender characteristics of development: girls 'speech develops faster than boys' speech;
  • Heredity can also play a role. If mom or dad started talking late, then the child will start talking late;
  • Lack of training and parental attention. Often this is due to the fact that parents simply do not want to engage with the baby;
  • Use of computers and electronics. Already, you can see how parents give kids a phone or tablet and forget about them for a while. It is not recommended to do this, as it negatively develops on development.

In addition to these reasons, there are many others. Also causes can be diseases.

How to teach a child to speak

If you encounter such a problem, try the following:

  • Consult with experts, it will help to understand if there are any deviations;
  • Try finger exercises, it contributes to the development of speech;
  • Buy an allowance, for example, “Help the kid talk” Enushko;
  • Read aloud tales and poems to him;
  • Talk to him more, ask questions;
  • Conduct articulation gymnastics;

You can also use these tips in complexto achieve the best result. You can also consult with a speech therapist, who will advise specific exercises. Also think about the fact that your child may just prefer to talk less and he is closed in himself, then you must act very carefully. Do not worry too much, small delays - it's not scary. You can help your child develop, but do not push him and take it calmly. Articulation gymnastics can be especially difficult for him. In this situation, you should be patient and deal with the baby more carefully. But do not worry much and put pressure on the baby.

