Doctors scare the whole country with an epidemic of childhoodobesity. According to the Ministry of Health, today about 8 percent of schoolchildren suffer from this scourge, whereas twenty years ago the figure was four times less. Another 11-18 percent of children are overweight, which means they are already at risk. Of course, nutrition primarily affects weight and shape. Snacks with fast food to slimness do not. A sedentary lifestyle also plays an important role. But what if your child eats the right food, actively moves and while gaining weight? Maybe you just miss something out of sight?A photo: GettyImages Hypertension Of course, not a child, but a future mother. Increased pressure in pregnant women, especially in the second trimester, increases the risk of overweight in a child by 49 percent. This is claimed by Chinese and British scientists. They say, among other influencing factors - the weight of a woman before pregnancy. So we are watching the figure. The TV and the game console in the children's room Do not see the connection? And it is the most direct. The more your child sits at the screen, the less moves. Well, throwing in your mouth chips and all sorts of other harmfulness in the process of watching cartoons - it's generally for a sweet soul. We add these two factors and get overweight. And up to a pile of poor performance, problems with sleep, hyperexcitability, unmotivated aggression. I do not know how you are, but personally I, when I do not sleep, all the time I want to eat. What, in fact, is reflected later on the scales, and not for the better. Children, as it turned out, also have a connection between sleep and weight. Anna Rangan from the University of Sydney has proved: if children sleep at night for less than 10 hours, then over the next year they are likely to overweight. And yes, children who sleep badly at night, eat and drink more sweet foods and drinks during the day. Overfeeding babies Now I'm risking the wrath of those parents who literally understand feeding on demand, but I'll still say the results of one of the studies: too much breast milk is also not very useful. Scientists believe that its excess can reprogram the baby's metabolism. But it's much worse to overfeed the kids on an artificial feeding with a mixture. Sociologists Ben Gibbs and Renata Forst found that most parents force children to drink it from a bottle to the bottom. And this in 2.5 times increases the risk of gaining excess weight! If you put the baby to sleep with a bottle, the risk increases by 36 percent. Parent's decision Everything is logical. Divorce is for the child no less stress than for adults. There are not many ways to deal with this stress, especially if the mother is also depressed and unable to calm the crumbs. What does a person most often do with stress? Seizes him. And children in this sense is no exception. It is proved by American psychologists. Cesarean section is already the discovery of British scientists. Children who are born as a result of Caesarean section, risk becoming obese in adulthood. The reason specialists so to the end and did not find out. One of the hypotheses is the presence in the birth canal of certain special bacteria, which then help regulate metabolism. By the way, the risk becomes even higher if the parturient is overweight.
Photo:GettyImagesInfectionsAn article published in the journal EurekAlert caused a real panic among mothers. Researchers claim that infections suffered in the first years of life change the intestinal microflora. In the future, this threatens metabolic and immune system disorders. In general, frequently ill children have about a quarter higher risk of becoming obese than those who rarely got sick. "In previous studies, we stated that antibiotics cause obesity in children. However, we later found out that they are not related to this. We found evidence that intestinal bacteria greatly affect the development of children," commented the author of the study, De-Kun Li. Children's cryingThis is also partly a series of eating away problems. Specialists from the State University of New York at Buffalo studied the connection between the behavior of a small child and his illnesses later. Now they claim that those children who hit themselves, cried and became depressed more often than others, gained excess weight faster and more often in older age. Food was a calming agent for them. By the way, the kids reacted to their parents' rudeness in the same way. Let's draw conclusions. Winnie the Pooh and CarlsonNo! We're not kidding! And neither do scientists from Colorado State University. They are sure that the plump characters of favorite children's cartoons "help" children aged six to fourteen eat twice as much unhealthy food. Although the kids understand that their favorites are fat, they consider them cute, which means they believe that overeating is good. Researchers ask parents to explain to their children that being fat is bad for their health, and even better, to switch their attention to other cartoons with athletic characters. "LazyTown," for example. Grandmothers and GrandfathersScientists from different countries have been saying this for at least seven years. The British insist: the risk of obesity increases by 34 percent if grandmothers sit with children all day while parents are at work, and by 15 percent if this happens from time to time. "Older family members view a child's plumpness as a symbol of health and well-being, so they try to make the baby eat as much as possible and gain weight," the scientists explained. Well, in our country, love has long been measured by the amount of food shoved into the object of love. Spoon feeding "Children who are spoon-fed are more likely to become overweight or obese than those who eat on their own," insists Professor Amy Brown in her book on the importance of solid feeding. According to the professor, those children who are forced to eat on their own, firstly, will form healthier eating habits, and secondly, will be more enterprising in life.