All holidays and rituals are usually filled withall sorts of signs, traditions and superstitions. This is especially true for weddings. Why such a stir? It's simple - such an event happens in a person's life once (well, ideally). That is why great hopes are placed on it, and therefore the importance of such a holiday increases simply to the skies. After all, when getting ready to tie the knot, both a man and a woman are sure that it is forever. In any case, they really hope for it. The groom, the bride, their numerous relatives and friends are always very afraid that the holiday may not take place and in every possible way try to create all the conditions to prevent this from happening. They prepared for absolutely everything, not being afraid to accept help and tips from otherworldly forces. It is for this reason that everything - even the most insignificant little things - became extremely important. Starting from the changeable weather outside the window, the bride's dress and the groom's suit, the guests' clothes and ending with gifts for the newlyweds and cutlery on the table. There are a great many signs and many of them, oddly enough, come true. Of course, this is probably just a coincidence, but still. So we suggest you familiarize yourself with the main ones. As they say, you never know? If you know at least a few signs, your wedding chores will be easier. Just don’t rely too much on signs, because they are far from a real prediction, fortune telling or, at least, a horoscope. These are some kind of signs that speak of possibilities, but not of a given. It is stupid to make a tragedy out of the fact that some sign turned out not in your favor, because it is the person who is the smith of his own happiness. Therefore, take all the information below with a grain of salt. As you know, a smile adorns any person, and laughter even prolongs life. You should believe all the signs and possible signs with caution, not taking absolutely everything on faith. By believing too much in everything, you program yourself and the events associated with you, which means you can attract both good luck and negativity. If you drop a ring at the registry office, you will probably get scared, because this is a sure sign of a fragile marriage. Reassure yourself that it could have been an ordinary accident or excitement. This may not be a sign from the Higher Powers. If you start whining and lamenting, then your husband or wife will definitely run away. It is better to concentrate on those signs that promise positivity and happiness. By the way, in fairness it should be mentioned that the fair sex is the most susceptible to various signs. Men most often brush them off, considering them stupid prejudices. Is your betrothed the same? There is nothing wrong with that. If he does not want to believe - let him not believe. And do not pester him too much, unless, of course, you do not want to quarrel to smithereens right before the wedding. Just do everything the way you want - after all, in most cases, all the wedding chores fall on women's shoulders, and men don't really delve into the nuances.
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