cat sphinx careThe Sphynx is a very unusual cat and stillunusual for us. Its shocking appearance causes either puzzled rejection or delight. One thing is certain: no one remains indifferent to sphinxes! Happy owners of these exotic cats say that life is divided into two periods: before the sphinx and after its appearance in the house. How do they win the hearts of their owners? Let's try to figure it out. And also consider what caring for these exotic pets is - is it as difficult as it seems at first glance?

Exotic appearance of sphinxes

All sphinxes without exception have a uniquetype. These are strong and muscular cats with a special type of head, body, tail and paws. Their appearance resembles aliens. Huge eyes and ears, long paws with almost human fingers and webs between them, a thin rat tail and folds (wrinkles) all over the body. In a word, a sphinx is a cat that makes you abandon the usual idea of ​​​​how exactly a cat should look. For example, sphinx kittens: they look like little dinosaurs and Cheburashkas at the same time. Naked, long-eared and folded creatures that run around the rooms with a stomp and fall, making loud slaps. Bald cats also differ in skin from other domestic and wild cats. Their skin, like human skin, sweats and tans. The color of the animal appears on it, like a tattoo. However, the skin pigment only gives a color shade of the fur that a naked cat could be covered with. But by the end of summer, the colors of tanned cats become stunningly bright and contrasting.Sphynx cat care

Breeds of cats-sphinxes

There are only three breeds of hairless cats in the world.These are the Canadian Sphynx, the Don Sphynx, and the St. Petersburg Sphynx. Canadian Sphynx or Moon Cat To date, only this breed of Sphynx has received worldwide recognition. Its history began in Ontario in 1966. When an ordinary domestic cat gave birth to a hairless kitten, cat enthusiasts decided to breed a new breed - a breed of hairless cats. For a long time, these attempts were unsuccessful, but starting in 1975, work on breeding a new exotic breed began to give positive results. Modern Canadian Sphynxes have a special smoothness of lines and convexity of forms. Their main distinguishing feature is based on a natural mutation of apparent hairlessness: in fact, the animals are covered with very, very short hair, which feels like suede to the touch. They owe their unusual body and head shapes to the Devon Rexes (they were also used in breeding the breed). Don Sphynx or Russian Hairless Cat This is one of the youngest cat breeds. The history of its origin is similar to the history of Canadian sphinxes. One day (in the late eighties of the last century) a homeless, partly bald mutant kitten was found in Rostov-on-Don. The kitten turned out to be a girl, was named Varvara and became the ancestor of a new breed. Don Sphynxes, unlike Canadian ones, are completely or partially hairless. These are slender animals of medium size with high thin legs, compact oval paws and long toes. A purebred Don Sphynx has large ears, large almond-shaped eyes, strongly protruding eyebrows and cheekbones. Petersburg Sphynx or Peter Bold This breed is still only on the way to recognition by the world felinological community. It was created as a result of accidental crossing of the Don Sphynx with an oriental cat and further consolidation of the gene of the natural hairless mutation of oriental cats. And in essence, the Peter Bold is a hairless oriental cat with a long neck and tail, a narrow muzzle and small eyes. The Petersburg Sphynx is distinguished by its light and graceful build, has a completely different standard (unlike the Canadian and Don Sphynxes) and a different breeding.

Character and habits of sphinxes

All sphinxes are extremely intelligent, sociable andaffectionate. They do not tolerate loneliness and prefer to be in company all the time. That is why caring for hairless cats primarily involves constant communication with them. Sphinxes are very active, playful and even in critical situations rarely scratch or bite. But if sphinxes are friendly to people, then they often conflict with other cats. The character of sphinxes can hardly be called feline. It seems that they do not consider themselves cats. Moreover, they perceive people as equals. Sphinxes trust people. They patiently endure all unpleasant procedures, such as care of claws, ears or injections. They easily get used to unfamiliar places and learn all sorts of commands and tricks. Sphinxes love to eat well. They eat everything and in any quantity and often surprise with their gastronomic preferences. Sphynxes enjoy fresh tomatoes and raw potatoes, green peas and corn, melons, kiwi, sauerkraut. And many other unusual foods for cats. It seems that with the loss of fur, sphinxes have lost their feline wildness and independence. They cannot be called cats that walk by themselves. Love for the owner, trust and friendliness, extreme affection and an irrepressible love for food - perhaps these are the features that distinguish sphinxes from other cats. In all other respects, these hairless cats are similar to representatives of other sphinx care

Features of care

Despite the prevailing opinion that hairless cats require special conditions of maintenance, caring for them is not burdensome. However, there are still some things that Sphynx owners should take into account.

  • Feeding

A great (often uncontrollable) appetite canlead sphinxes to digestive disorders and even obesity. Therefore, it is worth sticking to a balanced diet for them. Hairless cats should be fed 3-4 times a day. But due to the increased energy metabolism, they need to be given more food than ordinary cats.

  • Care of hair

Another feature that is included in the care ofsphinxes, is also associated with the absence of fur. A wax-like protective coating accumulates on their skin. In healthy hairless cats, these secretions are not abundant. For hygiene purposes, it is enough to occasionally wipe the cat with wet wipes or a sponge. If necessary, the animal can be bathed using baby bath products. Excessive coating is a signal of metabolic disorders, improper nutrition, or illness of the animal. In this case, it is necessary to change the diet and contact a veterinarian - he will tell you in detail what care should be in this case.

  • Care for ears and claws

Another hygienic feature of sphinxes isear secretion that accumulates very quickly. Therefore, hairless cats need periodic ear cleaning. But this procedure is needed more for cosmetic than hygienic purposes. Claws are trimmed with special nippers. The procedure must be carried out very carefully, cutting only the very tip of the claw. By the way, some cats of this breed bite their claws themselves. Sphynxes adore their owners, and therefore caring for them is not difficult. The absence of hair makes them harmless to allergy sufferers, and their peaceful nature makes them safe for small children. Sphynxes charm with their appearance and character. They are understanding and affectionate. That is why exotic hairless cats are increasingly becoming pets in our country. We recommend reading:

