The Benefits of Persimmons
It is interesting that the Latin name for persimmon isDiospyros means food of the gods or divine fire. Persimmon is a berry that is cultivated in many countries of Eurasia, America and Australia, wherever there is a warm climate.From what age can children eat persimmons - from the point of viewfrom the point of view of nutritionists, from 6 years oldPhoto: GettyBright orange fruits contain a lot of beta-carotene, a vitamin that is good for vision, and bioflavonoids - natural antioxidants. 100 g of persimmon contains half the daily requirement of vitamin C, various microelements - iron, potassium, iodine, magnesium. Persimmon has healing properties, it is useful to eat it for people with heart and vascular diseases, with low hemoglobin and hypertension. In many countries, persimmon is included in therapeutic diets for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, atherosclerosis, toxic goiter, scurvy, dysentery, bronchitis and other diseases.
Despite the benefits of orange fruits, there arecontraindications for their use for people with gastrointestinal diseases. Due to the large amount of tannins in the pulp, persimmon is difficult to digest. The increased content of vitamins and microelements can cause allergies in some people. Persimmon is contraindicated:
- diabetics;
- prone to allergies;
- transferred operation on the organs of the abdominal cavity;
- suffering from adhesions;
- those who often have constipation.
Unripe fruits contain a lot of tannins and plant fibers. Eating them can cause intestinal obstruction, which will require emergency surgery.
From what age to give to a child
It is clear that you need to buy only ripe persimmonsto avoid digestive problems. Domestic pediatricians believe that the exotic berry is suitable for children only from 6 years of age. They start feeding persimmon with a small piece. Then they observe the reaction of the child's body for several days. Gradually increase the amount, bringing it to 1 fruit within a month. If the baby does not like the taste of fresh persimmon, you can offer him dried fruits. They taste like sweet dates, and are much healthier than candy. Unfortunately, not all children can eat healthy persimmon. If the baby has diseases of the digestive tract, constipation or allergies, it is better to replace the exotic berry with other fruits.