Breastfeeding first month

All healthy mothers, regardless of sizeand the shape of their breasts, it is recommended to feed newborns with breast milk. No mixture can replace a product produced by a female body for a baby born to them.breastfeeding first monthCompetent nutrition during breastfeedingin the first month of life the child has a positive effect on his health. Photo: Getty There is no need to adhere to a diet. The nutrition of the nursing mother should be approximately the same as during pregnancy. It is necessary to exclude products that cause allergies and give preference to simple healthy food that allows the baby to grow, and mother to replenish the energy spent on milk production.

What you can eat

In the diet of the mother should be the whole set of useful elements. It:

  • Fats. Preference should be given to vegetable fats, for example, olive oil, which are filled with salads. Will be useful sour cream and butter.
  • Vitamin C. The main suppliers of this element are tomatoes, spinach, cabbage and kiwi.
  • Iron, supplied in the body with the use of dried fruits, buckwheat and oat porridge, apples.
  • Proteins. The most useful are eggs, meat and fish products.
  • Calcium, contained in greens, cheese and cottage cheese.

It is important to prepare food correctly. It is best to boil it, not digesting, or stew. Mom should remember that in the first month of life the baby begins to form his food culture. From what the baby eats, depends on his diet in the future. Drink you need about 3 liters of fluid per day.

What is undesirable to include in the menu

In infants, children are particularly prone to allergies. It is desirable to exclude from the diet products that cause allergic reactions. These include:

  • Strawberry,
  • honey,
  • seafood,
  • citrus,
  • chocolate.

If you can not do without, for example, orangesor chocolate, it should be checked whether the baby reacts to them. To do this, eat a small amount and wait for the reaction. If there is no change in the stool of the child and a rash appears, you can continue to eat your favorite product. The main thing is not to abuse it. Mothers breastfeeding, you need to maintain lactation. This will help nettle, fennel, anise, cumin and other herbs. A woman should remember the responsibility for the physical and psychological state of the baby, which is affected by nutrition.

