Why does the temperature rise during breastfeeding?

It is important to find out what disease has become the cause,and then it is already determined with the question of breastfeeding the baby or artificial mixtures. Only in 4 cases the doctors make a categorical decision to refuse GV: with active tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV and hepatitis B and C.breastfeeding with feverBreastfeeding with temperature is quite acceptable,if its increase is not provoked by severe diseases. Photo: Getty In other diseases, compromises are possible. Doctors distinguish 3 main causes of fever in the mother. It:

  • Postpartum inflammatory diseases. They occur if only 2-3 weeks have passed after the birth of the baby. These include endometritis, mastitis, inflammation of the sutures after caesarean section. Usually, feeding is not contraindicated. Fears are caused by mastitis, since its causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus, which is found in milk and penetrates into the blood of the child. In each case, the doctor makes an adequate decision.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases: pyelonephritis, bronchitis, tonsillitis. During the time of chronic course of these diseases, immunity is developed, which restrains them. Inflammation does not extend to the entire body, but is usually localized in one organ. Therefore, it is not forbidden to put the child to the breast.
  • Acute viral and infectious diseases. This is a well-known common cold. Increasing the temperature in this case can not hurt the baby. The main thing here is to prevent the infection from being transmitted by airborne droplets. To do this, you need to ventilate the room more often, to approach the child only in a sling, consisting of 4 layers. You need to change it every 3 hours. Suitable and disposable varieties.

It causes controversy when breastfeeding at hightemperature - if the thermometer's column shows 38.5 or higher. In such situations, most doctors tend to temporarily switch to artificial feeding. Young mothers should take care of themselves, because of their health depends on the health and comfort of the baby. Read also:

