Why the child began to eat less

Most often, the cause of refusing food is illness. The breast can less often take a breast even at an easy indisposition.the child began to eat lessIt is necessary to find out why the child began to eat less to quickly return his appetite. Photo: Getty To understand what is bothering the crumb, you need to know the signs of the most common childhood diseases.

  • Otitis. If the child became less, perhaps he developed an inflammation of the inner ear. The kid experiences severe pain, preventing him from fully sucking milk. If you suspect otitis, try touching the base of the ear. The crying of the child will confirm your guesswork. In this case, the baby needs to be shown to the pediatrician, and with strong crying and anxiety, call an ambulance.
  • Colic. During an attack of intestinal colic, the child experiences severe pain. Their leggings will be clamped to the stomach legs, intense anxiety and incessant crying. If you touch your tummy, it will be very tense. To relieve colic, you can put a warm diaper on your tummy or hold a light massage. The hand should move clockwise - this will help to move away accumulated in the intestine gases.
  • Rhinitis (runny nose). Symptoms of the condition are obvious: the nose in the baby is laid. It is problematic to take a breast in such a state to a child, so it will not be good to eat. Drugs for the treatment of the common cold should be selected by a pediatrician, since many medicines are prohibited for a child up to a year.
  • Stomatitis. If the child has become very little, you need to examine the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. In most cases, the cause of refusal from eating is the development of stomatitis - ulcerative inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth. The sores are very painful and prevent the baby from sucking the breast or the nipple of the bottle. Select the treatment should be a pediatrician.

Bad to eat baby can and for other reasons. One of them is the errors in the diet of a nursing woman. Some foods can change the familiar sweet taste of milk. Especially strong influence is rendered with garlic, strong spices, alcohol and nicotine. A bad appetite may be the child's response to psychological discomfort. Hormones of stress penetrate into breast milk. No wonder physicians say: Mom is calm, calm and baby. Try to calm down, and then the appetite for the child will certainly return. If the reason for the child's refusal to eat is still a mystery, you need to consult the pediatrician's leading baby. The specialist will assign the necessary examinations and help to solve the problem. See also:

