What should be the normal basal temperature?

It is necessary to measure basal temperatureregularly, saving the data obtained. Unlike body temperature, it does not have a noticeable effect on the body. Therefore, its fluctuations often go unnoticed. It reflects the condition of the mucous membranes and the processes occurring in the body. During ovulation, significant fluctuations occur, allowing you to successfully plan conception.basal temperature before menstruationBasal temperature before menstruation shouldrisePhoto: GettyThis temperature is measured in the rectum, in the mouth or in the vagina. Its normal value in the second half of the cycle depends on the processes in the body:

  • 36.9 - indicates the absence of ovulation. Anovulatory cycles can occur 2-3 times a year at any age, which does not indicate infertility.
  • 37–37.2 - reports on the occurrence of pregnancy.

If the temperature rises higher, health may be at risk. Often the cause is inflammatory diseases or lack of estrogen. This is a reason to go to a doctor.

When should I increase during pregnancy?

To track fluctuations, the chart must beclearly constructed. The vertical column is used to record thermometer readings. The horizontal column displays the days sequentially. Measurements should be taken daily, starting from the 1st day of the cycle. Illnesses, alcohol and some medications reduce the informativeness of the data. The basal temperature increases several days before menstruation. It remains stable until menstruation begins. Measurements are taken immediately after waking up, before the woman gets out of bed. To do this, you need to use only one method and one type of thermometer.

How many days before menstruation is reduced?

After the end of menstruation, the basalthe temperature gradually decreases. This happens before the onset of the 2nd phase of the cycle. When menstruation begins, its value does not exceed 37 degrees. When planning a pregnancy, the doctor monitors changes in the chart. This may also be necessary for:

  • Protection;
  • Detection of infertility;
  • Definitions of endometritis and hormonal disruptions.

Under stress data may be erroneous. Acceptance of hormonal drugs makes them useless. The temperature chart must be maintained consistently. It will reflect the health of a woman.

