I understand the world
A photo: complex of playgrounds "Kuralesiki" Playing, children, especially the youngest, actively learn the world around them and get acquainted with the properties and purpose of objects. Thus, the development of the cognitive sphere is taking place. Oxana Rybkina, director of the complex of playgrounds of the semi-closed type "Kuralesiki" and "Kuralesiki City":
- This is especially noticeable when the baby is not yetplays, but simply manipulates various objects: puts cubes on each other, throws the balls around him, and then, with the help of adults, puts them into a basket. In this case, the kid gets an idea about the difference in properties (colors, shapes, sizes and textures) of objects surrounding him, as well as their number. It was for this purpose that a zone of kids from one year with toys for the development of fine motor skills, pyramids and puzzles, a soft slide with a dry pool, animal figures and characters of favorite Russian fairy tales was organized on the Kuralesiki site.
Faster, higher, stronger
A photo: complex of playgrounds "Kuralesiki" An important component in the process of child's growth is physical development. Running, jumping and overcoming various obstacles, the child learns to control his body, becomes dexterous and strong. Oksana Rybkina, director of the complex of playgrounds of the semi-closed type "Kuraleski" and "Kuraleciki City":
- Great popularity among children in the "Kuralesiki"use multi-functional soft modules - light and bright shapes of different colors and shapes. Neposedy come up with a huge number of mobile games that improve balance and coordination of movements, strengthen the musculoskeletal system and form dexterity. Creative natures can use soft modules as building elements for the town, developing their imagination. In addition, a two-level labyrinth with a hill, an acrobatic trampoline is organized in Kuralesiki, there are jumping balls, mobile merry-go-rounds and attractions.
Ideal sandbox
A photo: complex of playgrounds "Kuralesiki" Sandbox - an indispensable attribute of childhood. But not everywhere games with sand in the open air are possible all year round. And how clean sand is on the playgrounds in the yard, no one knows. Oksana Rybkina, director of the complex of playgrounds of the semi-closed type "Kuralesiki" and "Kuralesiki City":
- Games with sand, this is one of the forms of naturalactivities of children. They develop creative abilities, positively influence the development of speech, improve the emotional state of the child. At the same time, children with different temperaments and temperament influence the sand differently: it helps to calm the excitable and too active children, and to the shy and anxious kids it helps to open up and become more relaxed. The modeling of kulichikov variety of tactile sensations. Pouring sand from one container to another is useful for fine motor skills and helps the development of coordination of movements. On the playground "Kuralesiki" there is a sandbox with kinetic sand, invented in Sweden. They can be played at home. In our sandbox, kids diligently sculpt kulichiki, and older children create real sand compositions, using a variety of shapes.
What is there on the plot?
A photo: complex of playgrounds "Kuralesiki" For the development of speech, communication skills, the formation of moral qualities are irreplaceable story-role games. In the process of such a game, the child plays the dialogues between the characters, pronouncing their actions. And playing in the company of other children, except for the development of speech, the child hones the skills of communication: first you need to identify and distribute roles in the game plot, not just agree on the rules of the game, but also try to observe them, maintain contact between participants during the game. Oxana Rybkina, director of the complex of playgrounds of the semi-closed type "Kuralesiki" and "Kuraleciki City":
- It was for these games that the gameThe town of Kuralesiki City, recommended to children aged three years. In this town there is everything for the realization of the majority of both everyday game stories ("House", "Family", "Mothers Daughters"), and public ("Shop", "Beauty Salon", "Hospital", "Construction", " Car service »). During the story-role games the child plays the role of an adult, performs his functions at the game level. Such games form the child's motivation to become an adult for real, because the child feels the game as a real situation from life, gets experience and draws the most real conclusions. Particular attention in the "Kuraleciki" deserves a breadboard model of the railway, playing with it, children do not just roll trailers, but learn to interact with each other, here there are the most simple, but already story-role games. Choosing the route of movement and assembling trailers into trains, the child develops logic and imaginative thinking.
Family approach
A photo: complex of playgrounds "Kuralesiki" In any game, the presence of parents is necessary: either as an active character or as an attentive observer. Oxana Rybkina, director of the complex of playgrounds of the semi-closed type "Kuraleski" and "Kuraleciki City":
- Children under the age of three needan adult partner in the game, and the younger the child, the more active the adult should play. Besides, being on the playground without relatives, a small child can display natural anxiety. Therefore, the entrance to the playground "Kuralesiki" for children up to three or four years old is allowed only with the senior escort. Older children prefer to play on their own, therefore the staff of the playground basically has a guiding effect in the game, if necessary, explains the rules and resolves conflict situations in case they arise. And parents, watching the game of their child in the game town of Kuralesiki City from the outside, can see how he interacts with other children, draw definite conclusions about the features of the development and mental state of the child, about his feelings, mood and temperament. Thus, the playgrounds of "Kuraleski" and "Kuraleciki City" are a unique complex that allows children to play and develop simultaneously, gaining experience of communication and building relationships, learning new and developing in a physical and creative way. It is also worth noting the social orientation of the sites of "Kuralesiki" and "Kuraleciki City" - children from large families and children with disabilities receive discounts for visiting up to 50% of the cost depending on the site chosen. "Kuralesiki" Address: "Slavyansky" Soviet, 162) Working hours: daily from 11:00 to 20: 00Tel: + 7-919-333-07-87VKontakte Group