1. Security
In order to shop with peace of mind orgo on business, you need to be sure of the safety of your baby. Therefore, we always pay attention to who and how will look after the child. Ekaterina Belousova, administrator of Kiddity:
"A good sign if the employees of the game zoneask you to fill out a detailed questionnaire. This means that in case of force majeure they will be able to contact you without any problems. In "Kidsichi", only the adult who brought him can take the child, for this purpose there is a special tear-off form. It is very important that there is an animator on the site, best of all with a pedagogical education and work experience. In "Kiddity" all animators-teachers are constantly in the game zone, without leaving any child without attention. "
2. Communication
The more popular the play area for children, thebetter. Do not be afraid that at the same time several children are swarming at the site - besides interesting toys, your child will be able to practice communication skills. Ekaterina Belousova, administrator of Kiddity:
"For children of all ages is very importantimprovement of communicative culture. After all, from how we can communicate with others, a lot depends both in the children's and in the subsequent adult life. Therefore, game rooms are also good in terms of developing communication skills. In "Kiddity" children of different ages, previously unacquainted, learn to play together, distribute roles, enjoy teamwork. Of course, the teacher supervises the process of communication on the site: he sets the tone for positive communication, prompts, helps, smoothes out sharp corners. As a result, all children are included in the game and communication process. "
3. Entertainment and development
A set of gaming equipmenta platform, is its most obvious competitive advantage. The more interesting the child is in the playing area, the more imperceptible time flies. Well, if the proposed games have a clear developing subtext. Ekaterina Belousova, administrator of Kiddity:
"In Kiddity, emphasis is placed on lego-designing. First, from our cubes, you can do anything: at home, animals, motor roads. So, every child will find the game to your liking. In "Kidsiti" there are designers for children of different ages, cubes of different sizes, thematic sets for boys and girls. Secondly, designing is a very useful activity. It develops imagination, spatial thinking, logic. The child literally can feel himself the architect of his future: creating, searching for non-standard solutions, finding errors and correcting them. The most important thing is that there is always a concrete result of work that can be bragged and shown to parents. Thirdly, lego cubes are always a new game: to build twice the same thing does not work out. Our teachers are constantly developing teachers for scenarios for children's holidays-quests on the site. "Children's entertainment center" Kiddity "Address: TRK" Continent ", 3rd FloorTel: VKontakte Group