Every year in June my son and I go to the sea. Combining a useful vacation with a visit to my grandmother is a tradition that we have never violated in six years. We usually return in mid-August. And during these two months - this is also a tradition - we have time to get sick and return home with bronchitis. Now I don’t carry a ton of drugs with me, all this can be bought at any pharmacy near the house. But in the first years the first-aid kit took almost half a case. And, of course, I still collect it if I need to go abroad: there is no guarantee that they will sell the necessary preparations there. What should I take with me? We tried to make the most complete list in case you do not have any opportunity to go to the pharmacy. What you need from it personally you decide, based on the health of your baby.We collect the first-aid kit for travel with the childPhoto: GettyImagesIMPORTANT!A number of medications, such as fever suppositories, should be stored in the refrigerator. Therefore, pack your first aid kit in a thermal bag. Be sure to check the expiration dates of medications and transport them in packages. And what if you catch a cold or a draft... - antipyretics: one based on paracetamol, the other on ibuprofen (for example, Panadol, Cefekon, Nurofen, Ibufen). You can use syrups or suppositories; - for a runny nose: Vibrocil, Nazivin, Quix, an aspirator if the baby can't blow his nose yet, Isofra (with an antibiotic); - for a cough or sore throat: Erespal, Tantum Verde, Lugol, Hexoral; - a thermometer (preferably an electronic one). And what if you get sunburned... - Cream with a sun protection factor of at least 50 (to avoid burns); - D-panthenol, Dexpanthenol (if you can't avoid it). What if you fall... - First aid kit: band-aid, brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, bandage; - "Miramistin" - a universal remedy: for the nose, throat, and abrasions; - "Baneocin", "Levomekol", "Bepanten". What if you have diarrhea and vomiting... - Sorbents: activated carbon, "Filtrum STI", "Polysorb"; - "Regidron" solution for dehydration; - "Smecta", "Phosphalugel", "Creon", "Motilium", "Cerucal", "Immodium", "Enterol", "Hilak Forte". What if you have an allergy or a bite... - Antihistamines: "Zyrtec", "Zodak", "Suprastinek", "Erius"; - "Fenistil", "Psilo-balm" gels for skin itching. - What if you have otitis and conjunctivitis... - Eye drops: "Torbex", "Tsiprolet"; - Ear drops: "Otipax". And what if you get motion sickness... - "Dramamine", "Aquamore". Read more:

